Mission Spirituality

Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations

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O Jesus, we are about to walk with You through the stages of Your Agony and Death. We want to spend a brief time renewing the offering that gave us life, and that brings us to salvation. Help us to understand a little better, to love a little more, and to give of ourselves more generously, as we meditate upon Your Cross. Amen.


Stations for Mission Vocations


We adore you o Christ - 14 Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations


We adore you, o Christ, and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the World.


Opening Invitation

O Jesus, we are about to walk with You through the stages of Your Agony and Death. We want to spend a brief time renewing the offering that gave us life, and that brings us to salvation. Help us to understand a little better, to love a little more, and to give of ourselves more generously, as we meditate upon Your Cross. Amen

Gracious God,
Each of us is called to discipleship with your Son Jesus through the sacrament of Baptism. We are sent to proclaim and to be the Gospel of Jesus, bring the good News of God’s saving love.

Hear our prayer as we ponder the redemptive vocation of Jesus who continues to call men and women to walk in His way, renewing his church and caring for his people.

We give you thanks for the mystery of vocations in church service and we pray for all who have answered your call. Send forth your Holy Spirit upon the faithful and rekindle in them the fire of your love drawing many young men and women to dedicate themselves to the work of Christ and His Kingdom. Amen.


1st Station - Jesus, you were publicly condemned to death


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - First Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
O Jesus, You are standing all alone. No friends are with You, no one to speak to You, no one to defend You. You spent your life helping others. You are calling others to come and follow You. As we look upon You who willingly give of Yourself, we ask that those who follow You may answer Your call wholeheartedly. Give them the courage You had, when others made fun of You, and to say with You “Your Will be done.” Dear Lord of the Harvest, send laborers into Your harvest.

Justice Thought
Jesus is trapped by the same system that brings us the death penalty, the harshness of life in prison, political prisoners, torture, white-collar crime, racial profiling, the criminalization of the poor, and all of the inequities of our world’s criminal justice systems.

Jesus, we ask that you call young men and women today to publicly accept your invitation to follow you in spite of what others may think or say. Give to them a passion for reaching out through your love to the needs of your brothers and sisters.


2nd Station - Jesus, you took up your Cross and carried it


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Second Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
O Jesus, as the Cross is placed on Your shoulders, You realize that is not going to be an easy journey. You have told us that unless we take our cross and follow You – even daily – we are not worthy to be Your disciples. Maybe that is why so few are willing to work in the service of the church as priests, sisters and brothers, and leaving father and mother and all to follow You. Through Your Cross, give us the special strength to accept the cross of our vocation and follow You.

Justice Thought
Jesus carries his burden as do all those who work the land, labor for low wages, struggle to find work, care for their children and family, worry over their debts, strive for their children, attend poor schools, are abused by their bosses, or in any way struggle to make it in this world.

Jesus, help those you call to see in the cross the symbol of union with you. Give to them the zeal and talent to minister to those who are burdened with pain, sorrow, confusion and alienation. Let them see that in the cross is life.


3rd Station - Jesus, you fell


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Third Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
The awful weight of the cross caused You to fall many times on Your journey to Calvary, dear Lord. Through Your falls, teach us to lift ourselves up again and again, when we fail to continue on our pilgrim journey. Give Your anointed servants the grace to recognize their weaknesses and to rely upon You. May they come to You in their trials. You have chosen us, weak as we are, to do Your will. Help us do it to the best of our ability.

Justice Thought
The burden that crushes Jesus can be compared to the burdens of today—the burden of debt that crushes the poor economies of the world, the unequal distribution of resources which stifles development for many people and nations.

Jesus, let those you call know that they do not have to be perfect. Let them be open to your transforming grace that can accomplish more than anyone could imagine. Give to those who respond to your call to minister a deep trust that you will complete what you have begun in them.


4th Station - Jesus, you met your Mother, who was your disciple and friend


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Fourth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
Dear Lord, what a terrible sight to see Your mother Mary as You carried Your Cross. She taught You the lesson of unconditional love, of service of God, of compassion to neighbors in need. We are grateful to You for the gift of our parents. Their example led us to love and serve You. Their faith has enlightened our path in the service of others. We ask that Your Mother take the hand of all those who serve You as priests, sisters and brothers, and guide them to giving themselves to work for God’s Reign.

Justice Thought
Jesus looks on his mother with love and sees all the pain and possibility of relationship, deep family love and fidelity, abuse and violence, mutual loving care, separation and divorce, loneliness and community.

Jesus, instill in young men and women the desire to come to know your Mother and find in their prayerful reflection of the scriptures, a woman of faith, hope and love whose vocation is an example for all. Help parents to promote and support vocations among their children, families and church communities.


5th Station - Jesus, you gratefully accepted the help of Simon


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Fifth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
Jesus, You needed help to carry Your cross and the soldiers forced someone to help You. How will we know what Simon said and did before helping you carry the cross! May we who carry Your cross, and help You do Your will, be blessed, and may our names inscribed in the book of life. May our service be accompanied by love, compassion, and by a willingness to do Your Will, no matter how heavy the burden.

Justice Thought
Jesus’ story becomes Simon’s story as well. Globalization can be both a burden and a relief, a freedom and a limit. Jesus and Simon are both victims and helpers. Good and evil play out as their lives are connected.

Jesus, send forth your grace upon those you call to church leadership. Help them to accept and affirm others’ gifts in the building of community, in proclaiming the message and in reaching out in service.


6th Station - Jesus, you left an imprint of your face on Veronica’s veil


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Sixth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
The journey to Calvary goes on. But from the crowd a woman steps forward – Veronica, a true image of a caring God. On the cloth she presents to You comes the impression of Your Face. What a great gift for such a small favor! Dear Lord, how many more gifts do You shower on those who offer You their whole beings to love and serve You and Your people! The sign of Your love is marked on them. Would that there would be more men and women like Veronica, to come forth and seek to imprint Your image on their very beings.

Justice Thought
This “small” act of charity is a most wonderful action of great compassion. It seems to be all that Veronica can do at the moment, yet the injustice remains. She cannot stop the suffering of Jesus. The compassion of Veronica calls out for social change, for an end to injustice, for a new way of living together.

Jesus, call forth numerous men and women to see your face on all whom they meet. Help your servants to truly understand that whatever good is done to the least of your brothers and sisters is done to you.


7th Station - Jesus, you fell again


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Seventh Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
St. James writes that the just fall seven times a day. These are the difficulties in our pilgrimage from life to eternity. Even Your disciples were weak human beings, who faltered. Your apostles and helpers in Your work, Lord, need our help. Give them the strength to rise again when they fall. May the people they serve always give them a helping hand, a kind word, a sweet mantle of charity, and prayers to God. We pray that Your disciples may grow strong, and journey on the path that leads to our heavenly home.

Justice Thought
The burden that crushes Jesus is unfair, as are the economic and political inequalities of our day—wages, resources, schools, rights, power, savings, taxes. Our systems are often unfair.

Jesus, teach those you call to church service to accept their own and others’ limitations, relying on God’s merciful grace. Help them in these times of darkness to reach our especially to those whom the world calls “fallen:” the addicted, imprisoned, the poor, Aids victims, the unattractive.


8th Station - Jesus, you reverenced women and called them to be your disciples


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Eighth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
As You walked the streets of Jerusalem, women watched, and You, o Lord, saw them crying. You stop to talk to them. You tell them that You are innocent, and that You are suffering all this for them and their children. They are to raise their children to follow You in the way of the cross, and be willing to walk with You on the road that leads to death. Dear Lord, grant that Your people will be faithful – through sufferings and even death itself – and gain one day everlasting glory.

Justice Thought
Women bear the burdens of the world in a special way. They disproportionately struggle under the injustices of our systems. The experience of women throughout the ages calls us to end the injustices. It calls us to a new heaven and a new earth, to a new way of being sisters and brothers.

Jesus, remove any prejudices or biases from all whom you call to walk with you in church service. Let those who follow you see that all God’s people are equal, regardless of race, culture or gender, and that our heavenly Father has no favorites. Let their words and example speak of God’s peace and justice.


9th Station - Jesus, you fell again for the third time


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Ninth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
The cruel treatment of Your executioners caused You to fall one more time. This can only teach us to be patient and humble when not everything falls into place in life the way we want, or when it all seem useless. May those who minister on Your behalf, be kind and understanding, strong and humble, seeking to imitate You in their service. May Your Love enkindle great love in them for those who have fallen, that they may be lifted up to new life.

Justice Thought
The burden that crushes Jesus is like the burden of materialism. Every time the world worships things before people, power before justice, and consumption before the spirit, we lose what it means to be human and alive.

Jesus, help those you call to know that all vocations are grace-filled; that priests, sisters, brothers, deacons, consecrated men and women, married and single are all favored by God. Instill in them the understanding that nothing can separate them from the love of God who is actively present in good times and in bad.


10th Station - Jesus, you were stripped of your clothes


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Tenth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
What a horrendous sight, dear Lord, as they tore Your clothing from Your body. But even through bitter humiliation, You teach us to rid ourselves of those things which hinder us from giving all to You. Grant that those who serve You in the ministries of the Church be clothed in the mantle of genuine love for others. May they inspire others by their witness, to trust in Your guidance.

Justice Thought
This radical loss of everything continues to be felt in the lives of all the poor—those without enough food, clothing, shelter, education, respect, dignity, human rights, and community.

Jesus, clothe our church servants with sincere compassion, kindness, humility, holiness, gentleness and patience, forgiveness and thankfulness…and over all these clothes, let them put on love. Let your love touch the hearts of those discerning a vocation to church service.


11th Station - Jesus, you were nailed to the Cross


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Eleventh Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
Dear Lord, as You are nailed to the cross, Your compassion reaches high and wide like your stretched limbs. May those who have chosen to follow You most intimately, stretch out their whole being and all their energies to do Your will for the salvation of all. Grant them faithfulness, not counting the cost, trusting only in Your words “Those who persevere to the end will be saved.” Dear Lord, may all those who have left parents, brothers and sisters, all things, know Your love.

Justice Thought
Jesus is a person of active nonviolence, yet here he comes to know violence against his person—the same violence that is seen in our wars and preparation for war, in the violence on our streets and in our homes, in our weapons of mass destruction, in ethnic cleansing, in genocide, in all these countless examples of violence.

Jesus, instill in youth today a deep desire to make a difference in the worlds no matter what the cost. Let the example of modern martyrs in Central and South America touch their minds with questions and challenges. Fill them with you presence and grace to respond to the call to “go out to all the world.”


12th Station - Jesus, you died for us on the Cross


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Twelveth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
Lord Jesus Crucified, lifted up on the Cross, draw all humankind to Yourself. How can we ever understand Your love for us? How can we ever appreciate the great gift You have given to us? What can we give you back in exchange for Your gift to us? May all who choose to be one with You, have the courage and strength to remain with You. With Peter, we say “To whom shall we go, Lord, for You have the words of eternal life.” May we always live, live in You, live in time and eternity.

Justice Thought
Power and control are dominate values in our world, yet Jesus loses all of these things that the world considers important. But at the same time, in Jesus nailed to a cross, we see a person of great freedom and compassionate love and a special awesome power—the power of the suffering God crying out for justice.

Jesus, give to all who are pondering a vocation a deep love of the Eucharist, brought to completion in your death and resurrection, and celebrated eternally. Let them find in the Mass a daily renewal of your invitation to live out their lives through you, with you, and in you, giving glory and honor to God.


13th Station - Jesus, you were taken down from the Cross


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Thirteenth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
To see You dead on the Cross, is to know how much You love us, Lord Jesus. You gave Your all. You ask us to give You some of our life to serve and love You. You ask us to help others know Your continued love. May we often come to You for strength, that close to You we continue to share Your story and our story. Through Your death, we possess eternal life. May many people know your presence through our efforts, our prayers, and our vocation.

Justice Thought
Jesus is radically stripped of everything. He is a human person whose rights and dignity have been taken away. In Jesus, we see all the women and men of our world who still seek their basic human rights—the right to food, water, clothing, shelter, education, political freedom, development, justice, etc.

Jesus, touch the minds, hearts and spirits of those you call to serve the people of God. Surround them with your grace; embrace them with your love. Enable them to respond to your call to reach out to all humankind in prayer and service, bringing your comforting presence, Jesus, to a world grieving and fearful.


14th Station - Jesus, you were laid in the Tomb


Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations - Fourteenth Station

Leader: We adore You, o Christ, and we praise You.

Response: Because by Your Holy Cross You have redeemed the world.

Vocation Reflection
Our dear Savior, laid in the tomb, we believe in You. You teach us to detach ourselves from the things of this earth and cling to those of heaven. It doesn’t matter where You lay buried, but that You rose again to new life. Help us see Your hand in every failure and Your victory in every defeat. May we ever look to You and not seek what is here upon the earth. Your death is the source of life. Your resurrection is the victory over sin and death. Let it be. Amen.

Justice Thought
Jesus is carefully placed into the earth, an earth that is the divine creation, a planet that we so often abuse as we waste resources, as we seek profit before all else, as we consume without awareness, and as we disrespect the awesome beauty that is God’s gift.

We thank you, Jesus, for the infinite power of your death and resurrection which brought salvation and healing to the world. We thank you for all whom you have called to follow you in the past 2000 years, men and women formally dedicating their lives to the up-building of the church. We pray for all seminarians and novices in formation. Let all young men and women today reflect on the lives of the saints, and let them come to meet and know priests, religious, and lay ministers in our times who continue to respond to Christ’s call, “Come, follow me.


Closing Prayer for Vocations


Loving God,
You speak to us and nourish us
through the life of church communities.
In the name of Jesus,
we ask You to send your Spirit upon us
so that we may respond joyfully to Your call
to service and leadership in the Church
as missionaries and witnesses
of Your Word and Reign.
May those who are opening
their hearts and minds to Your call
be encouraged and strengthened
through our enthusiasm and faithfulness
to serving You and all Your people. Amen.

Prayer for Consecrated Life
Lord Jesus, source of all consolation, from the cross you gave us your mother to be our mother, too, knowing too well how much we need her prayers and intercession and particularly her motherly love and guidance as we journey in this world.

We place under her protection all priests and religious, that they may remain ever faithful to you. We ask, too, that you inspire young men and women to give themselves totally to the work of your church. Amen.

Vocation Reflection by Xaverian Missionaries
Justice Thought by John Bucki, SJ
Vocation Prayer composed by Sister Mary Frances Reis, BVM




14 Stations of the Cross for Mission Vocations

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”