Mission Spirituality
Novena of Prayer on Mission on the Road
“Prayer is the key element in Mission spirituality… Without Prayer, our commitments risk remaining mere words.”
“To the Ends of the Earth”, Pastoral Letter on World Mission of the US Bishops, 1986
Intro: “Mission... on the Road”
“Prayer is the key element in Mission spirituality… Without Prayer,
our commitments risk remaining mere words.”
(“To the Ends of
the Earth”,
Pastoral Mission Letter of the US Bishops, 1986)
Join us in these nine days of prayer and reflection on the “Mission
… on the Road” based on the Gospel of Matthew. Follow these
reflections on the Mission of the Twelve Disciples from Matthew chapter 10.
Our Founder, Saint Guido M. Conforti, has left us with some prayers
and inspired writings, and we’d like to pray with them at the end of
each day, so that he can enlighten us to be One Single Family in Mission.
Day 1 - “Go and Preach”
Jesus calls us to go beyond our borders, to reach out to other
people, to journey like pilgrims. He is putting us “on the way.” What to bring,
how to greet people, where to eat, what to do in case of rejection, all these
are particular things; what’s important for every missionary is the going forth,
because of having experienced Christ’s Good News in our lives.
As we pray quietly the following prayer, notice how our Founder, Saint Guido
M.; Conforti, wished deeply in his heart that everyone in the world would come
to know Christ, who gives us Salvation, Life, and Resurrection.
Prayer for Evangelization
Eternal God,
Creator of all things,
We remember that You alone created all peoples,
forming them in Your image and likeness.
We recall the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
who suffered for them, sharing His life.
We pray that Jesus may be known everywhere.
By the prayers of this community,
mindful of Your Mercy and Love,
may all peoples come to know Jesus Christ,
whom You sent, Your Son and our companion.
He is our Salvation, Life and Resurrection,
to whom is all glory forever. Amen.
Day 2 - “The Reign of God is Near”
The Reign of Heaven is God among us, as the shepherds understood
at Bethlehem. The Reign of God is Christ who does marvels in the midst of God’s
new creation. This Reign is a reality and Satan’s dominion is ended. It can be
seen by all who announce Jesus and his Good News.
Missionaries are present in many nations because they want to discover this
Reign. As he sent his disciples, Jesus gave no destination, no particular shrine
or object to see, no temple or place where God is revealed.
This new pilgrimage of the twelve disciples, and of many Christians in these
2000 years, on the many roads of the world, does not need a church or a place,
because the road itself reveals God, step after step, open to everyone, in the
extraordinary event of walking.
Prayer to St. Francis Xavier
O God, You who were pleased
to gather into your Church the peoples of the East
by the preaching and miracles of St. Francis Xavier,
grant that we, who honor his glorious merits,
may also imitate the example of his virtues.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen
Day 3 - “Heal the Sick”
The mission of Jesus starts among the poor, the unfortunate, the
outcast. The Reign of God is announced in the outskirts, with the lame, the
sinners, the people rejected by social structures.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta expressed this mission through her words “Simple acts
of love and care keep the light of Christ burning.” Missionaries, in their own
simple and caring way, bring the healing of Christ to those who welcome God’s
Certainly, they won’t become famous authors or doctors with a miraculous cure…
but they walk in the outskirts, among the sick, in places where thieves steal
and find refuge, where the anointing with oil and vinegar heals wounds. (Luke
10:25) We remember them today.
Prayer for Missionaries
O Jesus,
You are the beginning and the end of our life.
You wanted Love
to be the distinctive sign of your disciples.
We entrust to You our missionaries
who proclaim Your Gospel throughout the world.
Bless their missionary work with Your Grace.
Keep them safe from all dangers.
Give them strength to bear any suffering
for the glory of Your Name,
making them worthy servants of your vineyard.
Grant that, through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier,
the great apostle of the East,
we too may share in their joys and sufferings,
that we may enter with them into Your everlasting Glory.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Day 4 - “Cleanse those who suffer from dreaded skin diseases”
The mission is made visible by the many encounters and meetings
on the road; with the lame, the lepers, the blind, the mute, the prostitutes…
those dying of AIDS. We can recall being horrified and fearful at these
encounters; but, wasn’t the courage of God stronger than our fears? Where not
our hearts burning on the road to Emmaus? Many barriers are destroyed and
overcome by the commandment of Jesus to heal, to cleanse, and cast out demons.
Jesus sends us as missionaries with the explicit commandment to go beyond, to
break barriers in order to give birth to a larger community of believers.
Orphanages, leprosaria, hospitals, dispensaries in our missions are small means,
and they could never provide a complete healing. New life comes from these
healings because of the presence of God’s Reign.
Through a smile, a word of encouragement, a simple touch, the little time we can
provide by visiting with someone, an extended story telling, the care shown to
an elder, or the love manifested to a baby.
Jesus tells us “No matter how hard it might seem or your cross might be, I will
be there and give you the energy and strength to overcome them.” We become anew,
we too become healed! That’s the Reign of God.
As we read Conforti’s prayer/reflection on the Crucifix, we remember those dear
ones who suffer, and are in need of our prayers.
Reflection in front of the Cross
God, Creator of all peoples,
you gave us the cross of your Son Jesus as your wisdom and power,
as weapon entrusted to Missionaries sent to proclaim the Good News.
The cross of Jesus is the master book for all Christians on earth;
your beloved ones find truth in it they learn humility, dedication and love.
The Cross of Jesus reconciles humanity to you, God of all ages to come.
It binds in love all the children of Adam and Even, our parents.
Your Cross, Jesus,
reminds us of your grace conquered at the price of your death.
By your cross, we are blessed with wisdom from on high.
We meditate on this important book, the Cross,
chalice for Christ and all Christians,
foolishness and scandal to those who don’t believe,
and triumph for all your beloved,
sun of justice for our hearts to love.
No other book brings us more energy, love for those who are in need,
challenge that push us onward as missionaries to everyone.
Power of God, made human, the least of all, divine cross,
triumph over us who feel your burden.
If we die with Jesus, we also live with him. For ever. Amen
Day 5 - “Give without being paid”
This commandment calls for complete openness of the heart, for
complete trust and faith. God sends, God provides. The real temptation is to
accumulate treasures, to stop, to “sit down.” Instead, the missionary is to
depend entirely on the One who sees us in secrete and knows well our needs. “I
have neither gold nor silver, but I give you what I have: in the name of Jesus
Christ, I order you to get up and walk” (Acts 3:6). Missionaries will be
recognized by what they do not have. Our only treasure is Christ.
As Missionaries, we promise poverty, chastity, and obedience to one another and
to the church. “Whether here or abroad – reminds our Founder – each of us should
be satisfied with whatever food and clothing is provided, seeking nothing more,
nor possess anything as our own.” It is a radical call, and we remember those
who, in our families, are answering “yes” to this call.
Prayer for Vocations
O Jesus,
You died for the salvation of all
and founded the Church
to continue the work of redemption on earth.
Increase, we ask You,
the number of those who preach the Gospel.
Strengthen them in their ministry,
sanctify their service,
so that those who have not yet received the gift of faith,
may soon come to know You and love You on earth,
and enjoy You eternally in Heaven.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Day 6 - “Look for someone who is willing to welcome you”
A guest might be a messenger from God, an angel of Yahweh (Gen.
18:2) who announces with surprise impossible news. The welcoming of a guest
breaks the regularity of daily living, bringing close to us what was far away,
helping to bring into the home the joy by the holy act of welcoming and being
Missionaries have experienced it all along, and we have touched that love,
support and welcome so deeply in our hearts. Once a week, the following prayer
unites us as One Xaverian Family. We thank God for being the Provider and
sending us caring friends and benefactors.
Prayer for Our Friends
O God,
You nourish the birds of the air,
and clothe the lilies of the fields.
Look to the needs of our humble community.
Mindful of the benefits we have received
from many generous friends, we ask You, o God,
to bless them with the abundance of Your graces,
now and for eternity.
May Your divine providence assist us always,
so that laboring without earthly cares,
we may one day participate
in Your Heavenly Reign. Amen.
Day 7 - “Say ‘Peace Be with You’”
“Peace” is the greeting which makes the missionary known.
Apostles being peace because they have it. It comes from God. It is contagious,
shared from house to house, from heart to heart. This peace pushes back the
borders of the one who divides. By this greeting, doors open and hearts rejoice.
Peace is the first gift of the Reign of God to those who believe: the Angel to
Mary, to Elizabeth, to the shepherds. A precious gift indeed!
St. Francis of Assisi prayed for this gift: “Make me an instrument of your
peace.” Peace can be refused, but it cannot get lost. It is given according to
the measure in which the practice of hospitality is exercised. The goodness of
the Reign may or may not enter a house or a life. The essential condition is
that “yes” to the stranger who knocks at the door.
Prayer for Unity
Lord Jesus,
may we ever be united with You,
as the branch receives life from the vine.
United in mind and in heart,
united in reflection on Your Sacred Word,
united in the Eucharist,
of which You make us ministers and servants.
United in prayer,
united in the constant effort to become one with You,
the model of every perfection.
And may we be united in Your calling
that makes us Your Apostles. Amen.
Day 8 - “If anyone rejects you, shake the dust from your feet”
The possibility of failure is real, but the work and the
encounters are many. And so, let go and let God. Let go of the experience. Dust,
mud, or any other object which can recall failure needs to stay behind, in that
city, allowing the missionary to be free to move on. The journey continues, from
city to village, for the Reign of God must be announced to all. It is not us,
but God who keeps track of people’s responses. Let God guide us in our lives.
Guido M. Conforti, bishop of Parma, Italy, followed his desire to spread the
Gospel and founded the Xaverians. Because of his virtues and the many graces
received through his intercession, he has been proclaimed Blessed by Pope John
Paul II and Saint by Pope Benedict XVI. Join us in this prayer.
Prayer of Saint Guido Maria Conforti
O God, who through the contemplation of the Cross,
imprinted on the heart of Saint Guido Maria Conforti
a burning love for the proclamation
of the Gospel to all nations.
Grant that, through his intercession,
we too may be filled by the same love of Christ,
to constantly work for the salvation
of all our brothers and sisters.
Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. Amen
Day 9 - “The Spirit's Words will be your words”
Missionaries, as they come back home, retell the stories of the
Reign of God, and become bridges with the Christian communities that sent them.
The communities of believers make these miracles and events their own. They
experience New Life through the Word of God, and understand their
responsibilities to a Global Church. The Spirit’s words reveal the heart of God,
where the same mission call once begun.
As we conclude our Nine Days of prayer, we would like to recall these words from
the Testament Letter of Saint Guido M. Conforti. He thanks and blesses us all.
Final Farewell
At this moment I can feel the compassion of Christ's love
which is more forceful than any human bond of affection. And I am fascinated by
the greatness of the cause which unites us as a single family.
Hence, with heartfelt affection I embrace as if here present all those who have
given their name to our society or will join it in the future. Unworthy though I
am, I ask the Lord to bestow on all the spirit of the Apostles and the gift of
final perseverance.
Since we have been members of the same family on earth, I bless you and conclude
with the wish that one day we may meet again in heaven, our blessed homeland.
Affectionately in the Heart of Jesus.
+ Guido M., Archbishop/Bishop
Superior General
St. Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society
by Fr. Nick Colasuonno - Fr. Alfredo Turco