Mission Spirituality

The Missionary Mysteries of the Rosary

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We normally meditate the joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of the Rosary. But we could also celebrate the “missionary mysteries” of the life of Jesus. They inspire the missionary life of the Church and our own personal response.


The Missionary Mysteries of the Rosary


The Missionary Mysteries of the Holy Rosary

The Five Missionary Mysteries


First Missionary Mystery: Jesus is baptized by John, in the midst of sinners, in the Jordan, and receives from the Spirit of the Father the mission of the Suffering Servant.

Second Missionary Mystery: Jesus proclaims the Good News of the Reign of God and teaches the way of the Beatitudes.

Third Missionary Mystery: Jesus heals the sick and frees them from the chains of evil.

Fourth Missionary Mystery: Jesus is transfigured on Mount Tabor, and shows his Apostles that the salvation of the world and its glory will be possible only through his Passion and Death on the Cross.

Fifth Missionary Mystery: Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to the Father in his name, for the fulfillment of the Reign of God.


1st Missionary Mystery - Jesus is Baptized by John


First Missionary Mystery - Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River

Jesus is baptized by John, in the midst of sinners, in the Jordan, and receives from the Spirit of the Father the mission of the Suffering Servant.

The Holy Spirit who descended on Mary so that the Son of God might become flesh, now brings Jesus to the Jordan, to receive the baptism of John. Jesus approaches sinners in order to save them, and frees them from sin. Jesus joins the line himself, to receive a baptism of penitence, for he will show to them the road to conversion.

Jesus is the innocent Son of God and Son of Mary that God offers to all humanity. So that all may become holy and share in the dignity of adopted children. Jesus’ solidarity with poor and sinners is both powerful and scandalous. John says: “I need to be baptized by you, and you come to me?” In this event, Jesus becomes the servant of God who suffers for all. From the Lamb offered in sacrifice, all of humanity will find its salvation.


2nd Missionary Mystery - Jesus proclaims the Good News


Second Missionary Mystery - Jesus proclaims the Good News

Jesus proclaims the Good News of the Reign of God and teaches the way of the Beatitudes.

Jesus is a wondering prophet. From village to town, Jesus meets with women and men who are burdened and oppressed, and he tells them that the time of liberation is near, that the joy of God’s kingdom is at hand. He carries the Good News of the Reign of God in himself, and teaches the way of true freedom and joy: the path of the Beatitudes.

On this road, we will put our trust on the Father, and not on the things of this world or our own personal accomplishments. Those who are part of the Reign of God must commit themselves to transform human relationships through love, forgiveness and service. Jesus’ command is “Love one another as I have loved you.”


3rd Missionary Mystery - Jesus heals the sick


Third Missionary Mystery - Jesus heals the sick

Jesus heals the sick and frees them from the chains of evil.

Jesus shows pity and compassion for the crowds that gather around him, for they seem a flock without a shepherd. He takes upon himself every human suffering: he weeps with those who mourn, he heals the sick, he feeds the hungry, he raises the death to life, he frees evil spirits, he deeply feels the burden of the oppressed and poor, and challenges the rich to a new life in God.

It seems that all the world misery find a place in the heart of Jesus. He never refuses any chance to carry the weight of these crosses, for he is the healer, for all and for the entire person, body and soul.


4th Missionary Mystery - Jesus is transfigured on Mount Tabor


Fourth Missionary Mystery - Jesus is transfigured on Mount Tabor

Jesus is transfigured on Mount Tabor, and shows his Apostles that the salvation of the world and its glory will be possible only through his Passion and Death on the Cross.

The mystery of the Transfiguration is a joyful event, full of light and hope in the shadow of the cross. Jesus brought some comfort to his disciples, showing to Peter, James and John that the way of the Cross, taken in obedience to the will of the Father, is the only way to win the world.

For many in the world, the death of Jesus on the Cross is a scandal and brings personal refusal. It’s not popular to accept a God who is weak, humiliated and defeated on the Cross. But that’s the newness of Jesus who came to reveal a God who is close to the human condition of each person, even in their sufferings and death.


5th Missionary Mystery - Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to the Father


Fifth Missionary Mystery - Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to the Father

Jesus teaches his disciples to pray to the Father in his name, for the fulfillment of the Reign of God.

The Holy Spirit bring Jesus to spent long nights in prayer, especially in moments of great decisions, such as the call of his disciples and the acceptance of the Chalice of the Cross. Again, it is the Spirit who makes Jesus rejoice and thank the Father for having reveals these mysteries to the little ones of the Reign of God.

Jesus taught his disciples to pray to God as the Father who knows all our needs before we ask. Jesus encourages today’s disciples to pray in his name, for God is attentive to our pleas. Jesus is a teacher of prayer and contemplation. Confronted with the vastness of the mission, Jesus invites us to pray the Master to send new laborers in the Harvest.


Prayer for Missionaries

(by Saint Guido M. Conforti)


Missionary Mysteries - Prayer for Missionaries

O Jesus,
You are the beginning and the end of our life.
You wanted Love
to be the distinctive sign of your disciples.
We entrust to You our missionaries
who proclaim Your Gospel throughout the world.
Bless their missionary work with Your Grace.
Keep them safe from all dangers.
Give them strength to bear any suffering
for the glory of Your Name,
making them worthy servants of your vineyard.
Grant that, through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier,
the great apostle of the East,
we too may share in their joys and sufferings,
that we may enter with them into Your everlasting Glory.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


by Fr. Silvano Garello, s.x.



Missionary Mysteries of the Rosary

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”