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Circular Letter #6 - 1928
Parma, Italy - Xaverian Motherhouse
August 8, 1928
In omnibus Christus! Christ in All!
The Superior General of the St. Francis Xavier Society
to the beloved confreres in the Vicariate Ap. of Cheng-chow
May the Lord be blessed! He has granted more peaceful times to the immense Chinese people, a people full of great hopes for the Catholic apostolate! I rejoice with you, and pray the God of every consolation that you may in this moment of peace reap an abundant harvest to make up for the time you had to pass in enforced inactivity. May this mark the beginning of a new era for new conquests and Christian glory.
It is needless to say that I followed all of the difficult moments of your mission. I was never so close to you with my thoughts and prayers as during those trying times. If previously I wanted to visit with you, to fulfill an obligation and to satisfy a heartfelt desire, that desire is all the more present after the difficult trials you underwent in these last months; after the sorrows, the anxiety the sacrifices of every kind which you sustained with Christian resignation and strength. I would have already embarked on my plan if it were not for the uncertain news which continues to arrive from there. This news discouraged me. I feared that I would not be able to fulfill the purpose of the trip or that I might be delayed en route, this would prove detrimental to this vast diocese which cannot remain for such a long time without its bishop's presence.
Hence I cannot describe with what joy I recently received letters from Chengchow assuring me that the hostilities which had prevailed for so long in that region had terminated, and that I could attempt the long journey without undue preoccupation. I cannot, I should not delay my coming any longer. At the end of the month I will set out for your distant shores. I will advise you as to the date of my departure from Parma.
The purpose of my visit is not to see new regions or new customs. I want to speak with you personally, bring you my blessing, congratulate you for the successes obtained, encourage you to continue the work which has begun so well. I want to see first hand what the true needs are, to see how and what the Institute can do for you. I wish to name a religious superior as required by canon law and our constitutions, finally I want to speak to the Vicar apostolic, who governs the area so well, about the possibility of opening a novitiate of our congregation there since we have been happily informed that there are a number of young clerics who feel called to join our society.
This, and no other, is the only reason for my visit to China. I wish to speak with each of you during my time with you, I wish to hear what you individually have to say which can help me for the greater good of the society and of our confreres in China.
Feel free to speak freely and clearly, let there be no secrets, so that my visit may truly be fruitful. This is also what our Rule prescribes for the Superior General to do for the good of the society.
I look forward to meeting and embracing you in the love of Christ Jesus. In the meantime pray the Lord that nothing impede my coming, so that I may soon be able to fulfill a long desired goal.
I reverence the anointed hands of the Vicar Apostolic. I express the wish that divine grace in abundance may always fill your heart, may it strengthen your desire to serve God in the apostolate you embrace with such enthusiasm, namely the salvation of souls redeemed by the blood of Christ, even to the end.
I bless you from the abundance of my heart. Affectionately in Christ Jesus,
Bishop Guido Maria Conforti,
Superior General
Saint Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society