Community Prayers

Prayers of the Church

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Saint Conforti: Follower of The Word

O Lord our God,
we give You thanks,
because in Saint Guido Maria Conforti
You have given us a bright example
of one who follows Your Word.
Grant that we too may be able to see You,
to love You, and to seek You
in everything and above everything,
that we may share one day
Your everlasting happiness.
Through his intercession
we ask You to grant our petition. Amen.

Saint Conforti: The Good Shepherd

All powerful and ever living God,
You have revealed everything
and given us everything in Jesus, Your Son.
And, in the person of Saint Guido Maria Conforti
You have shown us
the image of the Good Shepherd.
Grant that we may always keep Christ in our mind
and that in everything we do,
we may draw inspiration from Him,
so that our actions may be the manifestation
of the Life of Christ in us.
We ask this through the mediation of Jesus
and by the intercession of Guido Maria Conforti. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Contemplative of the Cross

O God, our Father,
You granted Saint Guido Maria Conforti
a special experience of Christ Crucified,
and want all to be saved.
Grant that we too,
in a very personal and intimate manner,
may contemplate the Cross of Your Son
and come to an understanding
of the immensity of Your love.
We ask this through the power of Your Redemption
and the intercession
of Saint Guido Maria Conforti. Amen.

Saint Conforti: The Faithful Disciple

O God, our Creator,
through the passion and death of Your Son
You redeemed the world
and allowed Saint Guido Maria Conforti
to experience many trials
while keeping steadfast his trust in You.
Grant that we, too,
may face with courage the trials of life
and take part in the spreading of Your Reign.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Founder of a Missionary Family

O Lord, our God,
You want all people to be saved
and be able to enjoy 
the knowledge of Your truth.
You have enriched Your Church 
with a new missionary family
through Your servant
Saint Guido Maria Conforti.
Increase the drive of Your people
so that the Gospel
may spread throughout the world.
May the work of Your missionaries
be fruitful for the good of all humankind.
Grant us the grace we ask of You,
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Conforti: At the service of Humankind

O Lord, our God,
thanks to the proclamation of the Gospel,
Your Church fosters peace and justice
among the nations.
Through Your servant Saint Guido Maria Conforti,
You have established in the Church a new family
at the service of humankind.
Grant that Your Word become
an integral part of different cultures in the world,
bringing unity and peace.
Remember us in a special way
who are in need of Your grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Model of Unity

O God, Creator of all, 
You have gathered around You in Jesus,
Your Beloved Son,
a multitude of sons and daughters.  
Grant that Your Church preserve the unity of spirit
which is a pledge of peace.  
Grant that we,
by the example of Saint Guido Maria Conforti,
always search for what unites us
rather than what divides us,
so that we may witness to the world
the coming of Your Reign.
We entrust to You this request
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Discerner of the Signs of the Times

Grant us, Lord,
that openness of spirit and wisdom of heart
with which You endowed Your servant,
Saint Guido Maria Conforti.
Grant that Your Church
may be able to discern the signs of the times
and so resist what is contrary to the Gospel
upholding the action of Your Spirit
in the heart of all Your peoples.
We ask You this prayer through the intercession
of Guido Maria Conforti, Your faithful servant,
and through Christ our companion and Savior. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Driven by the Gospel

O God, who through the contemplation of the Cross,
imprinted on the heart of Saint Guido Maria Conforti
a burning love for the proclamation
of the Gospel to all nations.
Grant that, through his intercession,
we too may be filled by the same love of Christ,
to constantly work for the salvation
of all our brothers and sisters.
Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Saint Conforti: Disciple of Jesus, the Missionary

O God, you have given us in Jesus
the perfect model of the missionary;
help us to imitate Christ and to continue his mission.
By following the example of our Father and Founder
Saint Guido Maria Conforti,
may your Reign reach the ends of the earth.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.


Prayers of the Church to Saint Guido M. Conforti Saint Guido Maria Conforti,
Pray for us


Prayer for Vocations in the Church

 (by Saint Guido M. Conforti)

O Jesus,
You died for the salvation of all
and founded the Church
to continue the work of redemption on earth.
Increase, we ask You,
the number of those who preach the Gospel.
Strengthen them in their ministry,
sanctify their service,
so that those who have not yet received the gift of faith,
may soon come to know You and love You on earth,
and enjoy You eternally in Heaven.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Missionaries

(by Saint Guido M. Conforti)

O Jesus,
You are the beginning and the end of our life.
You wanted Love
to be the distinctive sign of your disciples.
We entrust to You our missionaries
who proclaim Your Gospel throughout the world.
Bless their missionary work with Your Grace.
Keep them safe from all dangers.
Give them strength to bear any suffering
for the glory of Your Name,
making them worthy servants of your vineyard.
Grant that, through the intercession of St. Francis Xavier,
the great apostle of the East,
we too may share in their joys and sufferings,
that we may enter with them into Your everlasting Glory.
All this we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for our Benefactors and Friends

 (by Saint Guido M. Conforti)

O God,
You nourish the birds of the air,
and clothe the lilies of the fields.
Look to the needs of our humble community.
Mindful of the benefits we have received
from many generous friends, we ask You, o God,
to bless them with the abundance of Your graces,
now and for eternity.
May Your divine providence assist us always,
so that laboring without earthly cares,
we may one day participate
in Your Heavenly Reign. Amen.

Prayer for Fraternal Charity in our communities


O Jesus, You urge our communities
to live by Your teachings
and witness to Your Gospel.
We ask You to help us love one another
in a spirit of mutual understanding,
acceptance and service,
that others may recognize
Your presence in our midst.
You who live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the gift of Faithfulness to our Mission

 (by Saint Guido M. Conforti)

God of goodness and love,
You wish all nations to be saved.
Grant us, we pray, the gift of final perseverance.
Make us faithful to Your grace,
so that we may reach
the perfection that You want from us.
We ask this through the blessings
of the death and resurrection of Your Son,
by the love You show us in the Eucharist
and through the loving care of Mary, our Mother.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Evangelization

 (by Saint Guido M. Conforti)

Eternal God, Creator of all things,
We remember that You alone created all peoples,
forming them in Your image and likeness.
We recall the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
who suffered for them, sharing His life.
We pray that Jesus may be known everywhere.
By the prayers of this community,
mindful of Your Mercy and Love,
may all peoples come to know Jesus Christ,
whom You sent, Your Son and our companion.
He is our Salvation, Life and Resurrection,
to whom is all glory forever. Amen.

Prayer for Unity in the Xaverian Family

(Inspired by the writings of Saint Guido Maria Conforti)

Lord Jesus,
may we ever be united with You,
as the branch receives life from the vine.
United in mind and in heart,
united in reflection on Your Sacred Word,
united in the Eucharist,
of which You make us ministers and servants.
United in prayer,
united in the constant effort to become one with You,
the model of every perfection.
And may we be united in Your calling
that makes us Your Apostles. Amen.



Saint Guido M. Conforti - Prayers

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”