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"I will therefore invite all to raise their minds and hearts to the Author and Perfecter of our faith, to the true model of the predestined... It is not possible to keep our eyes fixed on this divine Model of all holiness without feeling impelled to repress all the passions, triumph over all vices and make any demanding sacrifice." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 16, 1903 - Antol. 356]
1892 - In his letter to Rev. G. Venturini, young Guido Conforti shares that "My goals are becoming clearer each passing day, and even more I feel that the Lord is asking me to found a religious community, a project which has been on my mind for quite some time, and is the object of my lively sentiments."
1928 – Blessed Conforti, on his visit to his missionaries in China, preaches the Retreat in preparation of the Feast of St. Francis Xavier
1955 – Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on the bus, and inaugurates the modern civil rights movements
"Work always with the same intentions as Christ; you must always keep your eyes fixed on him because he is the model of those who are predestined to glory; this applies in a special way to the messengers of the Gospel." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 19, 1906 - Antol. 685]
1928 – Blessed Conforti announces the First General Chapter of the Xaverian Missionaries
1980 - Martyrdom of four Church Women Missionaries killed in El Salvador
Jewish observance: Hannukah, 8-day Festival
ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Patron of the Xaverian Missionaries, and of foreign missions
First Friday
"The messengers of the Gospel, since they must announce his heavenly doctrine, so much more must they incarnate the sublime examples of holiness he left to us as a precious heritage." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 19, 1906 - Antol. 685]
1895 - Official beginning of the Xaverian Missionaries
1964 - Opening of the regional house in Makeni, Sierra Leone
St. John of Damascus, priest and teacher
"In order to ensure that Christ is always at the center of your thoughts and affections, I also recommend that you cultivate the interior spirit that must give strength, vigor and nourishment to your exterior life." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 19, 1906 - Antol. 686]
1915 – Blessed Conforti sends a Pastoral Letter to the diocese of Parma ‘On the Last Comforts of our Faith’
Second Sunday of Advent
"Amidst anxieties and difficulties in ministry, don’t lose heart for the Lord knows and takes account of your trials and struggles." [Blessed Conforti on Jan, 19, 1906]
St. Nicholas, Bishop
"Holiness is the fruit of the fecund union between God’s grace and man’s free will; it is the supreme goal of creation and the redemption because God has worked everything through His saints and the Saint, in the eyes of faith, is one who has been raised to the heights of moral greatness." [Blessed Conforti in April 1907 - Antol. 671]
1998 – Opening of the theology house in Manila, Philippines
Spain - Feast of the Constitution
St. Ambrose, Bishop and composer of sacred music
"Holiness is the triumph of reason over the senses, of the faith over the untamed intelligence and the rebellious movements of the will, the victory of the will over passion." [Blessed Conforti in April 1907 - Antol. 672]
1965 - 'Ad Gentes', Decree on the Mission Activity of the Church, by Pope Paul VI, Vatican Council II [Dec. 7, 1965]
1990 - 'Redemptoris Mission', Encyclical Letter by Pope John Paul II, on the permanent validity of the Church's mission mandate [Dec. 7, 1990]
Islamic New Year: 1432
Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the USA and Philippines
"God destined us to such glory, elevating us to the state of grace and this grace, added to human nature, made it more powerful. Nature remained intact,... but this grace gave us wings to rise up to our sublime destiny." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 8, 1910 - Antol. 570]
1908 – At Parma's Cathedral, Blessed Conforti officially opens his first Pastoral Visit to the diocese of Parma
1975 - 'Evangelii Nuntiandi', Apostolic Exhortation by Pope Paul VI on the Proclamation of the Gospel
1973 – Beginning of the Xaverian Province in Mexico
2002 - Fr. Pius Devoti dies in Parma, Italy: Missionary to Japan, director at Fatima Shrine, Holliston, MA
St. Juan Diego, hermit who witnessed the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe at Tepeyac, Mexico. Declared Saint by Pope John Paul II in 2002
"The saint is always fighting to dominate himself and make further progress in virtue. He lives with a great nostalgia for God, he embraces the infinite in his heart." [Blessed Conforti in April 1907 - Antol. 672]
1921 – Blessed Conforti sends a letter to the priests of Italy introducing them to the rules of the Missionary Union of the Clergy
1957 - Opening of the Seminary House of Franklin, WI
"The saints are splendor of moral life, true morality in action which is marvelously sustained in their own lives by divine grace, thus reaching their spirit and heart." [Blessed Conforti in April 1907]
International Children's Day
1920 – Blessed Conforti takes part at the Diocesan Congress of the Missionary Union of the Clergy
1948 - Universal declaration of Human Rights adopted by U.N. General Assembly
1968 - Death of Thomas Merton
St. Damasus, Pope
"It is Jesus Christ who has redeemed us and saved us... Through Jesus Christ shone the light of intelligence that conquers the entire truth: it bestowed peace upon the heart, making the pursuit of virtue and holiness possible and good." [Blessed Conforti on April 19, 1908 - Antol. 196]
1986 - UNICEF, United Nations Children's Fund, [founded on this day in 1946] receives the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize
Third Sunday of Advent
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, and patronal day of Mexico. Today's feast recalls the apparition of Mary at the hill of Tepeyac from Dec. 9-12 1531 to the native convert, Juan Diego.
"It is both awesome and strange that on this earth, where easily great deeds and their makers are forgotten, time cannot erase the lives of the Saints." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1909]
1907 - Following the sudden death of Bishop Francis Magani, Blessed Conforti becomes Bishop of Parma
St. Lucy, Virgin and Martyr, patroness of those afflicted with diseases of the eye.
"From the shadows of the cross flourishes science, civilization, and love, giving birth to fruits of virtue and holiness." [Blessed Conforti on April 11, 1909]
1930 - Blessed Conforti presides at the religious ceremony of the opening of the school year at Parma's University
St. John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church
"With the fruitfulness and holiness of your works, show the truth and sanctity of your beliefs, for from the fruits we will know the tree." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1910]
"The saint lives in the world without being touched by any earthly thing; he is not exalted by worldly greatness, he is not perturbed by misfortune and suffering, and the passions and adverse powers do not subdue him." [Blessed Conforti in April 1907 - Antol. 672]
1905 – Printing of the first Xaverian Rules, pending approval of the Holy See.
Start of the Christmas Novena: "Lo, our King is coming, Lord of creation, who will lift the yoke that binds and makes us captive."
"Jesus, who desires nothing more than our sanctification, who knows how great is our weakness, and how many spiritual enemies surround us, invites us to approach him in the tabernacle every day." [Blessed Conforti on Feb. 27, 1911 - Antol. 250]
Bangladesh - Victory Day
Philippines: Simbang Gabi is the novena of dawn masses traditionally held in the Philippines beginning Dec. 16. Church bells are rung to call the faithful to prayer, and in some provinces, brass bands play traditional Christmas music. At midnight on Dec. 24 the Misa de Gallo [Mass of the Rooster] is celebrated to welcome the birth of Jesus.
Mexico and Colombia: The Posada [= shelter] is celebrated Dec. 16-24 throughout the Spanish-speaking world. It reenacts Mary and Joseph’s search for shelter on the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. On each of the nine days the participants travel from house to house, taking the role of pilgrims seeking lodging. Those inside the homes are innkeepers who refuse them. At the last home all are invited in for prayer and refreshments.
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Wisdom who proceeded from the mouth of the Most High, and reached forth from end to end, mightily and sweetly disposing all things. Come forth to instruct us in the way of prudence."
"Let us reform ourselves by putting on Christ, the type and model of the predestined, the new person par excellence, generated by God in justice and holiness, by whom we shall one day all be judged." [Blessed Conforti on Sept. 29, 1911 - Antol. 452]
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Sacred Lord of the house of Israel, who did appear to Moses in the burning bush, and gave him the law on Sinai. Come forth to redeem us with your arm extended."
"Deign of our admiration and laud is the variety of knowledge, the greatness of our undertakings, the strength and generosity of souls; but nothing could equal, brothers and sisters, the glory of holiness." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1912]
1919 - Blessed Conforti sends a letter to the priests of Parma diocese on the Encyclical ‘Maximum Illud’
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Flower of Jesse's stem, who are a standard bearer for the people before Whom even the mouths of rulers shall be silent, to Whom shall pray the people of the nations. Come forth to deliver us; hasten now and do not delay."
"According to Catholic doctrine, holiness consists in fighting everything within us that is despicable, base and wrong." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1912 - Antol. 638]
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Key of David and scepter that ruled Israel, who opens and no one closes shut, who close and no one opens up. Come forth and release the bonds of those who languish in prison, who sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death."
"Holiness consists in emulating a divine type of perfection which we must always keep before our eyes." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1912 - Antol. 638]
1895 - Birth of Mother Celestine Healy-Bottego in Glendale, Ohio, Foundress of the Xaverian Missionary Sisters
1923 – Blessed Conforti presides at the hearing on the presumed miracle in Parma through the intercession of Blessed Therese of the Child Jesus
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Radiant Dawn from the East, splendor of light eternal and sun of justice. Come and enlighten those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death."
St. Peter Canisius, priest
First Day of Winter
"Holiness consists in loving the Supreme Good, the supreme truth and the supreme beauty, and, consequently our neighbor who is its faithful reflection." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1912 - Antol. 638]
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O King of all Nations and the One the world longs, the Cornerstone which is their foundations, who brings us together. Come forth and save us, whom you created."
"Holiness consists in tending constantly towards the fulfillment of the supreme end to which all earthly things are subordinated." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1912 - Antol. 638]
Christmas Novena - O Antiphon: "O Emmanuel, our Ruler and Lawgiver, the awaited Messiah of all nations, the salvation of the world. Come forth, redeem us now, You who are our Lord and Savior."
St. John Kanthy, theology professor and defender of the poor
"The Lord inspired his Saints according to the needs of the time." [Blessed Conforti on March 21, 1912]
Christmas Novena: "Tomorrow, when the sun shall rise up in the heavens, then you shall behold the King of kings, proceeding forth from the Father like to the bridegroom from his bridal chamber. The Lord is now very near; O hasten to adore Him"
"We must aspire to become saints; we must live of the divine life that Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to win for us." [Blessed Conforti on March 23, 1913 - Antol. 666]
1917 - Beginning of monthly 'Mission Gatherings' at the Xaverian Motherhouse in Parma
1949 – First Xaverians arrive in Japan
"Christ is born today: this should invite our minds to another rebirth: that birth and regeneration which each one of us received through the waters of baptism." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 25, 1923]
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
St. Stephen, Deacon and first disciple to be martyred [Acts 6-7]
First of the 'twelve days of Christmas'
"Our Divine savior, willing to complete his work of redemption, wished that his work would present to the world a wonderful show of a family divinely built, in which all peoples would contemplate the most perfect model of those virtues which render holy our society." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 6, 1925]
Kwanzaa: Kwanzaa is celebrated for seven days beginning December 26 through January 1. It is an opportunity for the African American people to celebrate their heritage and reinforce positive community values.
St. John, Apostle and Gospel writer
"Without Christ, our world would return to chaos because of its sins. Without Christ, the world of intellect would fall in the shadows of error like the earth enveloped by the night when the sun sets in the horizon." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 1, 1925]
1928 – Tired from the long Transiberian Train ride from China, Blessed Conforti and Fr. Bonardi arrive in Vicenza, and briefly stay at the Xaverian House
The Holy Innocents, Children Martyrs
"Christ is the fountain and source of strength and holiness, richness and light, warmth and life; be close to him and you will obtain everything you need." [Blessed Conforti on Aug. 15, 1924]
1921 - Card. Van Rossum communicates to Blessed Conforti that he is to remain Superior General of the Xaverian Congregation 'for life.'
1928 - Conclusion of the three-month China visit of Blessed Conforti, with Solemn evening prayers at the Cathedral of Parma, filled with faithful
St Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, martyred by order of King Henry II
"From Jesus Christ comes light to the mind, that light which conquers the truth: from him comes the peace that blesses the heart, making virtue and holiness possible." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1919 - Antol. 362]
"Jesus presents himself to the world, promulgates his law of kindness, purity, justice, abnegation, even the heroism of sacrifice." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 14, 1919 - Antol. 393]
St. Sylvester I, Pope of the Early Church
"If eternal life, brought by Christ into the world, ought to reflect his life in everything, it must be therefore a life of holiness and perfection." [Blessed Conforti on Aug. 15, 1917]