Xaverians in Mexico
Our Presence in Mexico
We, Xaverian Missionaries, arrived in Mexico in 1951. For fifteen years, the Cultural Institute of Occident in Mazatlan (Sin.) was our only activity. Twelve years later, we began doing mission animation in view of fostering the missionary vocation among young people, and forming those called by God to consecrate themselves to mission in the Xaverian institute. This gave way to the foundation of our minor seminaries - Secondary and Preparatory schools- in San Juan del Rio (Qro.) and Arandas (Jal.), our postulancy and novitiate in Salamanca (Gto.), our philosophy in Guadalajara (Jal.), our theology in Mexico City, our Mission Animation and Vocation Center -for adult vocations- in Torreon (Coah.), and two mission stations in Sta. Cruz and Acoyotla (Hgo.).
The spirituality of Conforti, his life project and the children of Mexico bonded together. Vocations continued to enter since the early 1950s. All of these communities established in Mexico are oriented to prepare missionaries for non-Christians. Also, we respond to the pressing appeal of the indigenous peoples who live in Santa Cruz and Acoyotla, far from the heavy populated centers. Thus we are committed to the pastoral care of these ethnic groups of rich, antique and local culture.
At the present time, we work as educators in our different minor seminaries, schools, and houses of formation; we are also committed to providing temporary help to the local church in forming Basic Christians Communities, training church leaders, and leading adult and youth groups. Even our mission posts give a valuable support to Mission Animation and Formation as during the year, many young people go for a "mission experience", and vocation promoters organize periods of pastoral missionary work in the context of vocational accompaniment.
Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian Missionaries in Mexico