Xaverians in Spain

Spain: Country Profile

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Spain Map Spain

Spain is a country in southern Europe, south of France. The total area is 195,364 sq mi. The capital and largest city is Madrid. Despite a climate with extremes of temperature and generally low rainfall, nearly one-third of Spain's land is suitable for cultivation. Olive trees and grapevines are widely grown. The country also has many mineral resources, including coal, iron, and petroleum.


The population of Spain is 39,107,912 (1997 estimate), with 77 percent of the people living in towns and cities. Ethnic groups include the Catalans, the Galicians, the Basques, and the Roma (Gypsies). About 97 percent of Spain's population is Roman Catholic. Education is free and compulsory. Most of the people of Spain speak Castilian Spanish, but Catalan, Galician, and Basque are also spoken.


Spain has rich traditions of music, painting, and literature. It is known for festivals called fiestas, for guitar music such as flamenco, and for bullfighting.


Traditionally an agricultural country, Spain saw rapid industrial growth during the late 1900s. Manufacturing now employs twice as many workers as agriculture and related activities. The country has a flourishing tourism industry. Fishing also contributes to the Spanish economy. Spain is a leading wine producer. Among its manufactures are textiles, iron and steel, motor vehicles, ships, and cement. The unit of currency is the Euro, together with other European countries.


The head of state of Spain is a hereditary monarch. Executive power is held by the prime minister, a cabinet, and the Council of States, a consultative body. Spain's parliament is made up of a 208-member Senate, which also has 47 special regional representatives, and a 350-member Congress of Deputies, which votes into office the prime minister proposed by the monarch.



Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian in Spain Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian Missionaries in Spain



Spain - Home of St. Francis Xavier

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