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Xaverian Calendar November 2010 Xaverian Calendar November 2010


Oct. 27 - Nov. 4: Sixth Day of the Novena of Blessed Guido M. Conforti
"When God sends me a generous soul to guide, I try my best to ignite the fire of the Love of God in the four corners of the house."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 187]
1895 - The Bishop of Parma Francesco Magani announces the starting of the 'Mission Seminary for Foreign Missions' with Fr. Guido M. Conforti as the first Rector
1928 - Blessed Conforti is welcomed with joy by the Christians of Cheng-Chow, China, who gather in the Cathedral for Solemn Benediction and Thanksgiving
See November Mission and Church Intentions of the Pope


Commemoration of All Souls - All Souls Novena begins
Oct. 27 - Nov. 4: Seventh Day of the Novena of Blessed Guido M. Conforti
"Let the Commemoration of All Souls be celebrated every year in all the Xaverian communities, with the intentions of all departed missionaries of our Congregation and of our good benefactors."
[Const. 1921, 215]
1928 - Blessed Conforti celebrates the All Souls Eucharist in the Cathedral of Cheng-Chow and goes to the cemetery to visit the tombs of the Xaverians who died in China: Frs. Sartori, Dagnino, and DiNatale
See November Mission and Church Intentions of the Pope


St. Martin de Porres, brother who ministered to the poor and the sick; patron of social justice
Oct. 27 - Nov. 4: Eighth Day of the Novena of Blessed Guido M. Conforti
"What is most dear to my heart is the fact that my heart and life will be in order at the moment of my death."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 182]
1928 - Blessed Conforti celebrates Mass at the Seminary of Cheng-Chow, first burial place of Fr. Caio Rastelli, Xaverian Martyr in China


St. Charles Borromeo, founder of seminaries and model pastor
Oct. 27 - Nov. 4: Final Day of the Novena of Blessed Guido M. Conforti
"We die of sicknesses and ailments which weaken our bodies. But we also die because of the void which surrounds us as we grow older and the diminishment of personal worth."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 182]
1876 - Young Guido M. Conforti enters the diocesan seminary in Parma
1931 - Blessed Conforti, at about 11 am, professes the Creed and receives the Eucharist for the last time, in the presence of Xaverians and diocesan priests


1931 - Blessed Guido M. Conforti dies peacefully
at 1:53 pm in Parma, Italy. He was 66 years old.
First Friday
"Right now, as I feel the love of Christ in all its fullness, a love by far superior to any natural affection, and I see clearly the greatness of the cause that unites us in a single family, I warmly embrace the present and future members of our Society, as if they were here present. Unworthy though I am, I ask the Lord to grant everyone the spirit of the Apostles and the gift of final perseverance." [Const. 1921 - LT #11 - Antol. 332]
1936 - On the 5th anniversary of the death of Blessed Conforti, Fr. Bonardi publishes the first biography on the Founder of the Xaverians
1940 - First book in Chinese on the life of Blessed Conforti, published by Fr. Alessandro Chiarel, in Tientsin, China


"All of these forms of partial death in our personal lives are practices in preparation of our final death." [Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 182]
World Community Day


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"I will consider each day as if it was the last day of my life. So it will be for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which I will receive each week."
[Blessed Conforti on June 12, 1927]
1901 - The Xaverian Community moves to Campo di Marte, the present Xaverian Motherhouse in Parma
1789 - Opening of the first U.S. diocese, Baltimore
1962 - Anna Eleanor Roosevelt dies. Instrumental in preparing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. She stated, 'It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.'
USA - Daylight-saving time ends: Turn clocks back one hour


"As I start the main actions of my day, I will treasure the good habit of repeating the saying: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam! Everything for you, o Lord, everything for you!" [Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 188]
1931 - The body of Blessed Conforti is carried, like a triumphal march, through the streets of Parma
1970 - Beginning of the Xaverian presence in the diocese of Jakarta, Indonesia
1897 - Birth of Dorothy Day


Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
"I will do my best to please the Lord, faithfully accomplishing my duties in every moment of the day."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 182]
1893 - Blessed Conforti is named Director of the Propagation of the Faith, at the age of 28, 5 years after his Priestly Ordination
1931 - Solemn Funeral of Blessed Conforti in Parma's Cathedral


St. Leo the Great, Pope
"Before my daily prayers, I will reflect deeply in my mind on the great deed I am undertaking." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 11, 1917]
1916 - Blessed Conforti writes a Pastoral Letter against the habit of swearing and bad language


St. Martin of Tours, soldier turned Christian, Bishop and Founder
"I will be gentle with everyone without distinction, available without weaknesses, dignified without status, so as to inspire with respect and affection all those who approach me."
[Blessed Conforti on June 12, 1927]
USA Veterans' Day


St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr
"I will not speak of my pains and afflictions with anyone, except with holy and wise people, so as to receive counsel from them." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 11, 1917]
1986 - 'To the Ends of the Earth' - U.S. Bishops Pastoral Statement on World Mission
1962 - Xaverian Gianni Gazza is elected Bishop of Abaete do Tocantins, Brazil


St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Religious Foundress, patroness of immigrants
"Knowing that I will speak in public, I will do my homework to prepare myself well, so as to not repeat the same things, and be more efficacious." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 11, 1917]
1983 - Fr. J. Henry Frassineti dies in Parma, Italy, Pioneer of the US Foundation
1986 - 'Economic Justice for All' - U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter on Catholic Social Teaching and the U.S. Economy


33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
"I will react against my natural indolence. I will choose to do the hardest and most unpleasant things first, never postponing to tomorrow what can be done today."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 190]
1928 - Blessed Conforti confirms 15 adult Christians in a celebration in Shan-Chow, China


St. Albert the Great, Bishop and Writer
"In moments of sadness and melanchony, which I experience so often, I will not give room to discouragement, but I will depend on God and double my efforts." [Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 192]
1895 - Official opening of the first Xaverian Seminary in Parma, with 17 seminarians. On this day, Blessed Conforti professes privately the religious vows.
Brazil: Feast of the Proclamation of the Republic


St. Margaret of Scotland, Mother and Helper of the poor; St. Gertrude, Benedictine mystic
"I will have to answer to God on the many people he entrusted under my care, for I am a debtor to all in my ministerial service. I need to show interest in them, and at least pray for them." [Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 193]
1924 - Blessed Conforti gives the mission Cross to departing China missionaries Frs. V. Vanzin, L. Fontana, A. Lampis and P. De Martino, in the Cathedral of Parma.
1989 - Murder of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter, at the University of Central America (UCA) in El Salvador, an institution of Christian inspiration that had made a preferential option for the poor.


St. Elizabeth of Hungary, religious, patroness of the Franciscan Third Order
"To the Institute of St. Francis Xavier, which occupies a great portion of my heart, I shall dedicate all the time I can spare from the government of the Diocese." [Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 194 - Antol. 310]
International Student's Day


St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, Religious and founder, who worked with native Americans
Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul
"I will be diligent to answer to all the social affairs, visits and correspondence. These are part of the practice of love."
[Blessed Conforti, FCT 20, 193]
1923 - Blessed Conforti gives a moving homily during the Solemn closing liturgy of the celebrations in honor of Blessed Therese of Lisieux.


"On March 13, I am sending you our dear Fathers Fusato and Ambrico. Unfortunately I do not have anyone else for the moment. But I will ordain nine priests on Easter day, and I will be happy to assign them to China." [Blessed Conforti on March 8, 1928]
1904 - Blessed Conforti writes a Letter on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception.
1863 - Gettysburg Address.


"From the words of our Redeemer, we receive mercy, pardon, and forgiveness. Our Lord calls us with the voice of the heart, with a word of love." [Blessed Conforti, on May 11, 1913]
1959 - UN Declaration on the Rights of the Child


Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
"Jesus Christ, ruler of the peoples and of the ages, is the only and sound foundation of states, of families, of everyone’s life; paraphrasing the Apostle, no one can build an other foundation except the one sent by God: there is no other name in whom we can hope for salvation." (see Acts 4:12) [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 1, 1912]
1922 - Blessed Conforti presides at the Congress of the Missionary Union of the Clergy, in Naples


St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, patroness of sacred music
"Whatever happened in the past is fruit of circumstances, but not for lack of good will. At the Motherhouse, we will continue to support through prayers, thoughts, and charity the works of our Xaverian family in China, with our humble means." [Blessed Conforti on April 13, 1927]
1963 - President John F. Kennedy assassinated in Dallas


St. Clement I, Pope and Martyr, St. Columban, Irish monk and missionary, and Blessed Miguel Agustin Pro, priest and martyr from Guadalupe, Mexico
"I hope that my visit brought great good, deepened our love, and gave all of us greater encouragement to work willingly and constantly for the missions. I'm amazed at what you have accomplished for the good of the Chinese people." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 14, 1928]
1899 - Bishop Francis Magani of Parma writes a Pastoral Letter suggesting to build the new Xaverian Mission Seminary as a diocesan monument honoring Christ, our Redeemer, on a piece of land acquire by Conforti
1987 - Starting of the Center for interreligious Dialogue in Seimezan, Japan.


St. Andrew Dung-Lac and companions, martyrs of Vietnam during the 17th-19th centuries
"After your last letter, I checked if our finances would help us open another house in Vicenza, but... God have Mercy! We can only trust in Divine Providence if we want to accomplish this project." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 27, 1924]


St. Catherine of Alexandria,
learned woman of the 4th century, martyr
"By keeping your eyes fixed upon him and taking your inspiration from him, you shall never forget that the thoughts and the affections of an apostle of Jesus Christ must never be in any way earthly and carnal, mundane and base." [Blessed Conforti on Jan. 25, 1907 - Antol. 358]
1920 - The Propagation of the Faith officially approves the Xaverian Constitutions.
1881 - Birthday of Pope John XXIII
1981 - UN Declaration against Religious Intolerance


"If all our intentions were pure and righteous, how many divisions would disappear, almost like magic!" [Blessed Conforti, on Jan. 14, 1914]
1964 - Beginning of the Xaverian centers of Bujumbura [Burundi], and Padang [Indonesia]
1883 - Sojourner Truth dies


End of Liturgical Year C
"Christ was detached from all the things of the earth and Francis Xavier, who saw the nothingness of everything thanks to a Gospel saying, detached himself from his family, homeland and riches and embraced the poverty of Christ."
[Blessed Conforti on Dec. 3, 1924 - Antol. 317]
1940 - Fr. J. Henry Frassineti, Pioneer of the US Foundation, arrives in San Francisco


First Sunday of Advent - Beginning of Liturgical Year A
"Christ was detached from all the things of the earth and Francis Xavier, who saw the nothingness of everything thanks to a Gospel saying, detached himself from his family, homeland and riches and embraced the poverty of Christ."
[Blessed Conforti on Dec. 3, 1924 - Antol. 317]
1964 - Martyrdom of Xaverian Fr. Louis Carrara, Fr. John Didonč and Br. Victor Faccin, in Congo
Burundi - Anniversary of the First Republic


"The divinity that inhabits an inaccessible light, has made itself visible in the adorable Person of Jesus Christ." [Blessed Conforti on June 11, 1902 - Antol. 575]
1920 - Blessed Conforti presides at the Congress of the Missionary Union of Clergy in Vicenza, Italy
1980 - Dorothy Day dies


St. Andrew, Apostle, patron of Scotland
"The immaculate life of the Man-God has become law for the whole world, a yardstick for human perfection." [Blessed Conforti on June 11, 1902 - Antol. 575]