About the Formation Program
Mission Training Program
Saint Guido Maria Conforti made known his feelings about his constant concern: “The preaching of the Gospel is the greatest problem, it demands an immediate solution since all peoples have a right to Redemption.” This page answers the question "If I were to join... what happens next ?!?"
College Program (near Milwaukee, WI)
In the USA, the journey of joining the Xaverian family begins with acceptance in our College Program in Franklin, WI, near Milwaukee. It is there that aspects of human, academic and spiritual formation are nurtured.
Choose the World as your Home, and do your share that the World may become One Single Family.
This period of time enables the candidate to observe and participate in religious life from the "inside", from actual living in community. It also gives us, Xaverians, an opportunity to know better the potential of the candidate himself, and help his discernment on a day-to-day basis, as companions.
Novitiate Year (usually in Italy)
It then continues in the Novitiate Year, which normally takes place at our international Novitiate house in Italy. During this year, the novice becomes better acquainted with the Xaverian congregation, its beginnings and history, and reaches a deeper understanding of the religious vows. This special period marks the official entrance into our community. Through ministry, reflection, study, prayer, liturgical celebrations, community life, and the assistance of the team, the "novice" will discern his commitment as a Xaverian Missionary. At the end of the year, those "novices" who decide to fully enter the Xaverian Congregation will profess the religious vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
International Theology Experience
After the profession of Temporary Vows, an individual joins one of the four International Theology Communities around the world (Parma Italy, Manila Philippines, Yaounde Cameroon, Mexico City Mexico), where students live as a family, encouraging one another to grow toward God and humanity through prayer, study, and various ministries of social concern. Academics is just part of our Theology Program, which will give the theology students the opportunity to grow and mature in their consecration to mission. Together with students from different countries, the community will have the experience to live in an international community as a family, encouraging one another to grow in their global awareness and faith commitment.
Mission Experience
The theology program lasts 4-6 years. A full year of supervised Mission Experience is also offered to our students during their final years of training.
It is a very meaningful overseas mission experience at one of our communities in
Latin America, Africa, or Asia. It gives the student a first-hand look at our
missionary priests and brothers in action. And it makes the student, future
missionary, aware of the advantages and drawbacks of his own attitudes in the
context of a totally new cultural environment.
Join us in this great adventure. Choose the world as your home, and do your
share that the world may become One Single Family. If the Lord calls you, come!
To become a Xaverian Missionary, you need to be a Roman Catholic man, 18 to 35
years of age, and have at least a high school diploma. You should be motivated
by a sincere desire to give yourself to God in a community exclusively dedicated
to overseas mission activity.
» Click here, and learn more about the Requirements to Join