About the Xaverians
Mission Vocation Call
The missionary – wrote Saint Conforti - is the finest and most splendid example of the ideal life. In spirit, the missionary has contemplated Jesus Christ commissioning the apostles to conquer the world, not by weapons but by persuasion and love; and the missionary has been captivated by this encounter with Christ. For this ideal cause, the missionary gives up family, homeland, all that he treasures as his very own.”
The missionary has been captivated by the encounter with Christ.
Saint Guido Maria Conforti
The Xaverians preach and teach; they are channels of the gift of grace, to
reconcile people with God. We are involved in social work, in community
building, in health care, and in educational programs. We live together in a
missionary community consecrated to God by a mission vow and the profession of
the evangelical counsels, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Our missionary work and religious life constitute our sole and undivided charism.
By our mission vow, we Xaverians promise to actually leave from our familiar
environment, and totally dedicate ourselves to the sharing of the Gospel. We
live and carry out the mission of the Church in communities that, as families,
are called to share faith, mission commitment, hopes, joys, concerns, spiritual
and material goods.
The Xaverian Community
Our Xaverian communities strive to be visible signs of the Reign of God by our
spirit of faith, our outreaching love, our listening to God’s Word, and our
being welcoming and respectful of the people we serve.
Saint Guido Maria Conforti defined a missionary as a person of action in
constant union with Christ. Prayer is the foremost important activity of the
missionary because it strengthens his faithfulness and sustains his missionary
To become a Xaverian Missionary, you need to be a Roman Catholic, 18 to 35 years
of age, and have at least a high school diploma. You should be motivated by a
sincere desire to give yourself to God in a community exclusively dedicated to
foreign mission activity.
...a person of action in constant union with Christ."