Writings of Saint Guido M. Conforti

Circular Letter #8 - 1931

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Parma, Italy
August 15, 1931

In omnibus Christus! Christ in All!


Circular Letter #8 of Saint Guido Maria Conforti Circular Letter #8 - 1931

To all my dear missionaries and brothers
members of the St. Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society


It is of utmost importance for a religious congregation to have a Rule which fully responds to the goals and necessities of the membership and the positions which they hold.


It is no easy task to prepare a Rule which answers this need and provides norms also for the future. The history of religious communities indicates that time and experience alone can so provide by suggesting, whenever necessary, those different modifications which community life demands.


We should not be surprised if our own Rule underwent slight changes since the foundation of the Society until the present.


The First General Chapter examined each article of the Rule in the light of experience, changed conditions and times since the first approval was granted by the church authorities. Some articles had to be clarified, others had to be added with reference to the Religious Superior in the missions, provincials, procurator, spiritual directors, the year after the novitiate is to be considered a second year completing the first, perpetual vows for the brothers. All of these matters were freely and widely discussed and then submitted for approval to the Congregation of Propaganda Fide.  Propaganda closely examined these proposed changes and then approved them by a prescript dated February 10, 1931.


I send you this updated Rule. I trust it will not need new modifications. Consider it as the expression of God's will and the norm for our conduct.


The perseverance and success of a Religious Society depends on the spirit of discipline and family love which is present. I pray the Lord that we never need relax the observance of our constitutions, nor water down that spirit of mutual charity which binds member to member, superiors and subjects. It is by such agreement that small institutions find strength and growth, where disharmony exists even the larger and powerful communities succeed not. Let us ever remember that our sanctification flows from the faithful and constant observance of the constitutions, in no better way can we fulfill the will of God which has called us by love to labor for the glory of the apostolate. On the last day, we will not be asked if we accomplished great deeds, or been acclaimed by men, rather we will be asked if we followed his will in the state and condition to which we were called.


Through the intercession of the Queen of the Apostles, St. Joseph, our protector St. Francis may He bless us abundantly and confirm our wish to serve him until the end in our vocation.


Bishop Guido Maria Conforti,
Superior of the Institute
Saint Francis Xavier Foreign Mission Society


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Saint Guido M. Conforti - Circular Letters

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