Q & A on Discernment

Religious Missionary Vows

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Religious Missionary Vows


Tell me how you live the Religious Vows?

Do the Xaverian Missionaries profess any other vow?

The Xaverian Missionaries pledge to serve the Lord and share the Gospel by a specific Mission Vow. Our ministries and religious life come together as our charism (a special gift of the Spirit through our Founder).



The Mission Vow
Saint Conforti, in fact, defined a missionary as a "person of action in constant union with Christ, in whom he continually finds inspiration." As one family, the Xaverian Missionaries strive to provide a visible and credible sign of our mission by living in communities. They are made up of people of different age, nationality, formation and cultural background. For this reason, we live and witness this mission consecration through the Religious Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.


The Call of Levi, the tax collector "Jesus said to Levi: Come and Follow Me.  He immediately left everything to follow Jesus." [by Antonella del Grosso, xmm]


- Detaching ourselves from material things and possessions.
- Relying on the power and richness of the Gospel and not placed on structures, work satisfaction, or success
- Opting for the poor and being in solidarity with those who have less
- Placing all we possess in common
- Adopting a truly simple lifestyle, which includes moderation and sobriety
- Sharing goods and means so as to better witness the Gospel.




- Committing ourselves to a celibate lifestyle
- Living a life of mature love and sound relationships
- Living our consecration with joy, without becoming lost in ourselves or excluding meaningful relationships
- Choosing to share love, intimacy and friendship with God and all we minister to, rather than loving one person exclusively (as in Marriage).




- Willing to live and work not according to our own will, but God’s
- Searching together as one community for God’s will through prayer, reflection on events, respect and dialogue
- The service of the Superior is to coordinate, facilitate and bring together the needs of each member of the community, and keeps in mind the goals of our family
- Active and generous collaboration in the decisions taken
- Way of living in a community and participating its life, goals, hopes and work in an effort to carry out the will of God.


"O Jesus, my love… my vocation, at last I have found it… My vocation is Love!."
St. Therese of Lisieux


Mission Discernment The Next Step




Mission Discernment: Religious Missionary Vows

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”