Q & A on Discernment
The Call for You

Does it feel Right?
How can I be sure about my Call?
Church Ministry is not a matter of “I should”, nor is it an
escape or a “security blanket.” Waiting for a call to be perfectly clear can be
an excuse for not acting. Few calls are ever crystal clear. Couples talk about
the mystery of “why this wife for me, why this husband for me, why these
children for us?”
When we make life decisions like marriage, career, and children, few of us are
sure God is calling us to these options. Instead, we pray that we are making a
wise decision and leave the rest up to God.
Try asking yourself the following questions.
"God is always ready to give us Grace from above; yet the Lord demands of us the necessary dispositions"
- Saint Guido M. Conforti [by Antonella del Grosso, xmm]
On your desire and attraction to the priesthood or religious
life: Does it give me a certain sense of satisfaction to think of myself as a
missionary? As a priest? As a brother?
On your motivations and reasons for the priesthood or religious missionary life:
What’s behind my interest and attraction? What are the positive reasons I have
to pursue that?
On your fitness to live as a missionary priest or brother: Can
I live religious life or priesthood cheerfully and generously, without going
into pieces or without a constant drain on my inner resources and energies?
Do they clarify your ideas? Write these thoughts in your
1 - Read and Reflect on the following words:
"How good God has been to us! God has filled and is filling us with gifts
and graces: we must make fruitful the talents we have received through
faithfulness and gratitude. Everything comes from the generous hand of God, and
nothing should seem too small or too little value to us. God is always ready to
give us Grace from above; yet the Lord demands of us the necessary dispositions:
an unlimited trust in God’s goodness and a generosity ready to sacrifice
everything. Called to follow in his footsteps, we look at Christ as our model
and master. In every life situation we must ask ourselves how Christ would have
acted.” (Saint Guido M. Conforti)
2 - Conclude your Meditation with:
Prayer for Missionary Vocations
3 - Put these thoughts into action by:
Thank someone today, who has been "the generous hand of God" in your life,
through a gift or an act of kindness.
Prayer for Missionary Vocations
by Saint Guido Maria Conforti
O Jesus, You died for the salvation of all
and founded the Church
to continue the work
of redemption on earth.
Increase, we ask You,
the number of those who preach the Gospel.
Strengthen them in their ministry,
sanctify their service,
so that those who have not yet received
the gift of faith,
may soon come to know You
and love You on earth,
and enjoy You eternally in Heaven.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.