Martyr in Burundi

Chapter 3. Learning from the Founder

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Fr. Ottorino Maule - "Millions of brothers and sisters hunger for justice, truth, peace and love" (Blessed Conforti) "Millions of brothers and sisters hunger for justice, truth, peace and love" (Bl. Conforti, founder of the Xaverian Missionaries)

Father Maule took to heart the spirit of the post-Conciliar Church and embraced wholeheartedly the cause of evangelization and human promotion; in many ways, he actually anticipated what the Council had said. At the young age of 30 he already had clear ideas about what mission should be in the run-up to the year 2000.


He was faithful to the philosophy of the Founder, Guido Maria Conforti, who had once said that “Christ’s rule cannot be limited to personal conscience, the family, the confines of a nation; it embraces the entire world; it transcends all national prerogatives, matters of state, and political interests. The Heavenly Father has placed Christ over all peoples. Millions of brothers and sisters hunger for justice, truth, peace and love. We do not find Jesus only in the Eucharist: he is present also in the poor, the afflicted, the derelict”.


Ottorino Maule dedicated his life to such people in the name of the Lord who had sent him to preach the Gospel. Father Marangone describes Father Maule’s missionary style: “I look back on those years as the ideal way of living in community: people who share their experience, reflections, time, faith. Ideas flowed between us without any spirit of rivalry. We took decisions after long discussions, decisions that were the result of a real communion among us.


Once the decisions had been taken, everyone did his best to ensure that they were put into practice in his own area of competence. Ottorino dedicated himself generously to others, he shouldered responsibility and encouraged others to do the same. He was a good-natured, calm, reflective and learned person. Conversation with him was a pleasant and enriching experience. He was a good listener”.


At the end of October 1975, Father Maule helped out in the mission of Murago for four months and, from there, he was sent to take charge of the parish of Rumeza, a return for him since 1971. He was assisted by two Xaverians Father Giuseppe De Cillia and Father Sergio Marchetto, and by Father Ruggero Fattor (Fidei Donum missionary). He stayed in Rumeza for three years.


Parish priest in Rumeza


Not a great deal is known about that period. On April 1, 1978, he wrote to the Superior General describing his experience: “Things are going well in Rumeza and the two years have passed quickly. I get on well with Fathers De Cillia and Ruggero and we are doing a great deal of work together. Father Ruggero’s help is precious and he is very committed to his work. You know Father De Cillia well: visit of the communities and building take up all his time. In 1977-78 he supervised the construction of four schools in Rukina, four in Kizuga, one church in Gasaro and many other jobs.


This year, we plan to start work in another sector of the parish with a center in Kanyiunya. The area has grown a lot in the last ten years, and there are now 6,000 Christians, about 750-800 catechumens and many young families. Don’t worry, we are not about to establish a new parish! We would like to build a decent house there and then, with the help of the local people and other generous benefactors, we could build some rooms for meetings and social animation; if we are lucky, we could have some sisters to help us, at least for a few days each month.


By the end of April, we hope to finish the Easter retreats in the center and outstations and then begin visiting the communities on the hills (there are about 140 of them) to prepare them for their monthly meetings. A good part of our work there consists in the formation of community leaders, visiting their communities and preparing their monthly meetings. It is well worth the effort.


There is a good spirit among the people. They are becoming more independent and solve many little problems among themselves without turning to us for help. Some still come here every so often when they run into a dead end and don’t know what to do. We hope we have made the right decision because there is always a risk in giving responsibility, but it is worth it to see them take their life into their own hands. I hope to continue in this activity because it makes me feel useful to the Church”.


Expulsion from Burundi


Nevertheless, he was recalled to Italy in April 1979. Two months after his return home, he learned that he had been officially expelled from Burundi by the regime of the dictator Bagaza. He was assigned to work in the formation of future missionaries in Zelarino, near Venice. He worked there until 1984, but he had left his heart in Africa. The Superior General wrote to him on April 2, 1982: “I hope you are well and happy in what is a far from easy job. I hear good reports about your commitment and your performance”.

A good part of our work there consists in the formation of community leaders, visiting their communities and preparing their monthly meetings. It is well worth the effort. There is a good spirit among the people. They are becoming more independent and solve many little problems among themselves without turning to us for help.
Fr. Ottorino Maule


On April 30, 1984, Father Maule was elected Regional Superior of Italy and, at the end of his mandate in 1987, he was re-elected for a second three-year term. During those six years he visited, encouraged, comforted and advised the Xaverians in Italy.


They were not easy times: the social and religious situation of Italy was undergoing dramatic changes, and the traditionally fertile areas for vocations were now in crisis. Vocation numbers fell, the houses were empty and it was also difficult to find Xaverians willing to work in such circumstances. Father Ottorino traveled the length and breadth of Italy, taking part in the communities’ planning, meetings, proposing, discussing and, sometimes, he came up against opposition on account of his resolute character.


Even after heated discussion, however, Father Ottorino had no problem returning to the calm person everyone knew. He was always capable of distinguishing between persons and problems. Father Marini, the present Superior General, adds: “Very few were capable like him of a quick and precise analysis of situations and finding the most appropriate solutions which were then applied in a decisive and coherent manner”.




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Fr. Ottorino Maule - Pastor, Missionary and Prophet

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”