Xaverians in Great Britain
Our Presence
We, Xaverian Missionaries, arrived in Great Britain 1948 as a gateway to entering Africa. Today the priorities that govern and direct our work in this country are as follow: Community Witness of Mission and Solidarity, Mission Animation and Vocation Promotion, and Formation.
We are preparing lay associates, cooperators and volunteers into our Xaverian family. We also have "Come and See" weekends for young adults considering priesthood and missionary lifestyle; and continue inviting friends and benefactors to deeper sharing of our life and Charism.
Today there are 12 Xaverian Missionaries in the United Kingdom. We are committed to giving our specific missionary contribution to the life of the local Churches, while exploring new ways of our missionary presence. For instance:
In Coatbridge (Motherwell Diocese), our community are represented on the Pastoral Planning Team, The Youth Team, and have been invited to take a prominent role in setting up the new Diocesan Mission Commission. We have also presented a series of monthly Mission Evenings based at the Center and in Local Parishes. Mission Appeals and Supplies continue.
In Preston (Lancaster Diocese), our community has been invited to assist in setting up the Diocesan Youth Justice & Peace Group. We work with Youth Groups locally and are involved with Chaplaincy Ministry in Newman College and local Catholic High Schools.
In London (Westminster Diocese), our community involvement with the local Church is effectively centered on the Nether Street Community.
In Glasgow (Archdiocese of Glasgow), our community is exploring new types of presence in a Parish, which would be a Xaverian Center for Global Mission and Vocation Promotion.
Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian Missionaries in Great Britain