Xaverians in France
Our Presence
We, the Xaverian Missionaries, realize the need of specialization and orientation as we come to meet peoples of different backgrounds. The Xaverians arrived in France in 1980, and establish residence in Paris, with the sole purpose of helping future missionaries to learn French.
In the centuries past, Europe became the place from which many missionaries set out for the rest of the world. It is because of this purpose that the Xaverians have a house of studies in Paris. The students are linked to Parma, where the Motherhouse of the Xaverian congregation is located. Normally, students spent a full year of French studies before their destination to a French speaking country (especially in the African Continent).
Eucharistic Prayer
Lord, You called Abraham and Sarah
out of their homeland
to become parents of all peoples.
You called Moses
to free your people
and lead them to the promised land.
In the fullness of time,
you sent your Son, Jesus Christ,
as a guest and pilgrim among us
to redeem us from sin and death.
You give us your Spirit so that all nations
may become one new people,
and be in your Reign,
a Reign of freedom for all your children,
a Reign governed by Love and Peace.
May this Spirit strengthen
the mission of the Church
to the ends of the earth
(Eucharistic Prayer from Taize')
Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian Missionaries in France