Xaverians in the Philippines
Poems and Stories

In Thanksgiving for the Earth
Lord, you have given us
the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars,
the Earth with its green forest
and high mountains,
the Sea and all that moves and lives in it.
You’ve gifted us with every thing green
and all that flourishes and brings fruit;
even what we dislike or refuse
You’ve given to us.
We come to you, now
with the poverty of our gifts,
our talents, our prayers, ourselves.
We come to you
with the same gifts you’ve offered us;
accept them as they are,
You, the origin of all things. Amen.
A Filipino Prayer
The Fight
We fight in life to make life right
In constant strife we pass the night
In bitter quarrel with the earth.
Bringing calm you ease the strife
your fiery tender eyes unchain my soul
to soar on eagle's wings with you .
And in the darkest hour
you burn your brightest
guarding ways that please the Highest
whose ways bring victory!
Keeping faith with those who wait
and fight the fearsome fight
the flower of your patient soul
keeps victory within sight.
Daughter of the ancient fire
of battles long ago
with you I'll fight the goodly fight
and fulfill the higher goal!
Paul Kekai Manansala
Vivos Voco, I refuse to Live
I refuse to live, yes sir, I refuse to live
in a world that entombs the pen!
My dead soul cries out for redemption,
seeking to freely flow to the parched parchment
in blood and water.
Blind my eyes to grant me vision,
seal my lips to render me speech,
cover my ears to bestow me hearing,
clamp my nose to lend me smell,
oh, make the pen my coffin
for I will be born anew with a thousand eyes, a thousand lips,
a thousand ears, and a thousand noses
upon the empty surface of the parchment!
For this, sir, vivos voco!
I call the living!
I call the living to be crucified and to roll away the stone,
to be pressed like grapes and be drank as wine,
sacrificed like lambs yet devour like lions!
Yes sir, we will die as poets
and resurrect as letters!
Harry Tejano Gesulga
For Parents of all the World
Heavenly Father,
You have gifted all men and women
with marvelous possibilities
of being part of the creation of new life,
of caring for their children,
of teaching them human values and experiences,
that these may become
responsible and creative adults.
Bless all mothers and fathers
that they, as parents,
may show love and goodness,
in joy and sorrow.
Grant them the wisdom to understand
the different experiences
so that they may share what’s important.
When they falter, be their strength.
Deepen their love for each other and their children.
May their love be selfless giving
and overcome all conflicts and divisions.
Even though their love is imperfect,
It’s nonetheless special,
for it speaks of Your love, o God.
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