Xaverians in Bangladesh
Our Presence
We, Xaverian Missionaries, arrived in Bangladesh in 1952. Ever since, we have tried to work in communion with the local clergy, on the formation of young Bangladeshi candidates to become Xaverians, and the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus as first announcement.
Our missionary presence in "Chuknagar," "Tala Kumpur," "L'Ashram," the Centers for Dialogue in Khulna and Dhaka, and "Asharbari," strive to integrate our missionary thrust to non-Christians with the pastoral service to the local Christian community. While we follow some Christian villages, we nevertheless direct our efforts mainly to non-Christians.
Besides our full involvement in parish contexts, dispensaries, schools, and hospitals, we have two formation communities: The Formation house in Dhaka (for aspirants and postulants), and Novitiate house in Khulna.
"Golden Bengal" was the title afforded to this land by its most famous son, the poet Tagore. But the destiny of this nation has been marked by destruction, disasters, flooding and natural calamities. 86% of the population are Muslim. The Holy See asked the Xaverians to open a mission in this difficult settings. Fr. Veronesi and Fr. Cobbe died for their tireless labors and, victims of hatred, received the crown of martyrdom. The Christians of the place, appreciative of the assistance received, visit their tombs, proud of their life witness and assured that they have these Xaverians as intercessors in heaven.
The forty years of arduous work which have witnessed the very slow progress and growth of the mission from nothing, are like the struggled existence of a peace flower survivor in the midst of war and disaster. This nation has very few resources indeed, save for the enterprising initiative and long suffering patience of its inhabitants. After many years of work the mission finally has its local clergy, Bengal sisters, Christian villages, numerous catechists. Along the rivers, every so often in the midst of the trees along the shore there can be seen the cross on a small bell tower.
The formation program of the Bangladeshi Xaverians is made up of four stages: vocational accompaniment, vocational orientation (the first year is spent in the formation house in Dhaka), pre-novitiate (second and third years in the formation house in Dhaka along with the two philosophy years in the national major Seminary of Banani), and novitiate in Khulna.
According to this formation program, the Xaverian candidates enter in Tejkuni Parry (Dhaka) after the BA; philosophy precedes novitiate and, immediately afterwards, the newly-professed are sent to the international theology communities.
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