The Xaverian Missionaries in Africa

News Archives from Africa


Catholic Information Service for Africa » Church news and issues on human rights relevant to Africa

Catholic News Service - Africa » From Catholic News Service, recent news and stories on issues on Africa

Catholic Church in Africa » General website of the Catholic Church in Africa. Africa » A community of organizations working for social justice.

Reports from IRIN » The Integrated Regional Information Network (IRIN), a branch of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, provides regional and country humanitarian news updates.

All Africa News Online » Volume of up-to-date news coverage from the entire continent from a specialized African news agency.

BBC Africa Page » Current country news from the leading international radio news outlet.

Congo News Agency » A series of articles/blogs in English on the present situation of D. R. Congo.



Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian in Africa Service, mission, work, news, and presence of the Xaverian Missionaries in Africa


Africa - Becoming an Adult Church

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”