. Mission Focus on Asia and West Africa
Mission Newsletter Year 1999
1999 - Mission Focus on Asia and West Africa
» 1997-2007
The Synod of Asia opens the realities of bringing the Gospel of Christ in this vast continent. The Church of Japan celebrates its 450 of Christianity. But the plight of people from West Africa comes to the attention of the Xaverian Missionaries
Jan. - Feb. 1999
There is a Thirst for Prayer in an Asian Way
Page from History: The 26 Martyrs of Japan
Bishop Gianni Gazza, s.x. (1924-1998) - by Fr. Robert Maloney
33 Years a Priest: "The Call Me Father" - by Fr. Tony Lalli
March - April 1999
The Child that must be Found Again! - by Fr. Tony Lalli
Being Religious - Missionary Families - by Fr. Alfredo Turco
May - June 1999
Sierra Leone Today - by Bishop Murphy
July - Sept. 1999
The Challenge of "Mission" - by Fr. Francis Marini
Japan: 450 Years of Christianity
When Good People Do Nothing... - by Tony Lalli
Oct. - Dec. 1999
"Love in Action is a Harsh and Dreadful Thing!" - by Fr. Tony Lalli
Dom Helder Camara: Poet, Mystic, Missionary - by Fr. Tony Lalli
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