Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2011: Oct.- Dec.

Saint Guido Maria Conforti Canonized October 23, 2011

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2011 - Oct.-Dec.
November XMN
Commemorative Issue on the Canonization of Saint Guido Maria Conforti

Xaverian missionaries and their supporters all over the world celebrate the canonization of their founder and proclaim the glory of God.

His name says it all: Comforting Guide, for he has in deed and in spirit comforted and guided his flock of missionaries to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A Bishop who went beyond the boundaries of his own diocese to embrace the whole world, Saint Guido continues this work to this day with Xaverians serving in nineteen countries world-wide.

We are called to continue his legacy and make his vision of the global mission of the Church and the world as one family become a reality by seeing Christ in all. May Saint Guido Maria Conforti continue to guide us in this effort and comfort us all the days of our lives.

Special Commemorative Issue on the Canonization of St. Guido Maria Conforti with photos of the celebration in St. Peter's Square and the pilgrimage to St. Guido's episcopates; commentaries on St. Guido's spirituality by Fr. Bob Maloney, SX and Fr. Frank Grappoli, SX and special pages just for kids.




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