. Witnesses of Mission Compassion
Mission Newsletter Year 2005
2005 - Pope Benedict XVI - The Staff has been passed to a New Shepherd
» 1997-2007
The great news lived by the Xaverians in the USA this year is the Thanksgiving to God for the leadership of Pope John Paul II for the example he provided to all humanity in his 27 years of Pontificate, and we join in praying for Benedict XVI as he fills some difficult shoes. We also reflect on the example and witness of men and women, religious and lay, in their search for bringing the values of the Gospel to different lands
Jan. - Mar. 2005
Christmas: The Symbolic Presence of the Shepherds - by Fr. Tony Lalli
What Unites us is Greater - by Bishop Biguzzi
Emanuela did not want to be born
April - June 2005
The Staff Has been Passed to a New Shepherd
Witnesses to Compassion and Sustaining Hope - by Fr. Tony Lalli
Missionary Nun is Murdered for Justice Work in Brazil - Sister Dorothy Mae Stang
Sr. Angela's Choice: A Companion in the Grief
Indonesia: Seeds of Hope and New Life - by Fr. Frank Grappoli
July - Sept. 2005
"Either it's a Missionary Community or it isn't even a Christian Community..."
Mission Converts the Missionary - by Fr. Zezinho Leoni
Terima kasih! - "Receive Love"- by Fr. Orru
Dom Angelo Frosi: 10th Anniversary of Death - by Fr. Siro Brunello
Oct. - Dec. 2005
Missionaries, "bread broken" for the Life of the World - by Fr. Tony Lalli
The Eucharist is the Center from which the Mission Radiates
In the Poor as in the Eucharist - by Fr. Alfiero Ceresoli
Choosing Hope - by Sr Mary Enda Hughes
Let's begin with: "Where is your brother?" - by Fr. Fabrizio Tosolini
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