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Nov. 2008

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Xaverian Missionaries

No Borders - Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity

Issue #9 - November 2008 

Catholic Youth Crossing the Faith Line

Catholic Youth Crossing the Faith Line

As 40 religiously diverse youth travel on an interfaith exchange between their hometowns of Chicago and Amman, Jordan they begin a different kind of conversation about religion, a conversation that has them asking real questions about their lives, faiths and the differences between them. Will the Middle East and Midwest be too far apart to build a bridge between? Young people of different faith traditions from Chicago and Amman, Jordan supported refugee children from multiple countries by helping them enhance their reading and writing skills through interactive performances and personal story telling. The performance, entitled, Coming to Stories of Our Found Destinies is the culmination of the InterACTION Youth Exchange project, which helps youth of different faiths find opportunities for cooperation vs. conflict.

Follow the work of INTERFAITH YOUTH CORE - Start your own youth interfaith service day

Declaration of the Catholic-Muslim Forum at the Vatican

Catholic Muslim Forum at the Vatican

An important and demanding declaration was published by the Vatican and by representatives of the 138 Muslim scholars who wrote the well-known letter to the pope and other Christian leaders, A Common Word. Among other things, it affirms respect for life and for the dignity of each person, man or woman, which involves, among other things, respect for freedom of conscience and religion; the rejection of discrimination on account of faith; the importance of bearing witness through prayer to the transcendent dimension of life in an increasingly secularized world; an affirmation of the duty to give young people a solid moral, civil, and religious education, and teach them about the faith of others. The declaration also speaks of the possibility of creating a permanent mixed committee, and announces a second forum to be held within two years, in a Muslim majority country. Read the final declaration


What Catholics believe about Interfaith Dialogue

Catholics and Interfaith Dialogue

The Pope shared at the Catholic - Muslim Dialogue at the Holy See: "I am well aware that Muslims and Christians have different approaches in matters regarding God. Yet we can and must be worshippers of the one God who created us and is concerned about each person in every corner of the world. Together we must show, by our mutual respect and solidarity, that we consider ourselves members of one family: the family that God has loved and gathered together from the creation of the world to the end of human history." Read more...


American Muslim Teens Speak Out

American Muslim Teens Speak Out

This half-hour video features nine teens in a refreshing, first-person look at modern Muslim American youth who illustrate the diversity that is Islam. They are African-American, American Caucasian, Middle Eastern, from the Asian subcontinent and Africa. Moderated by Alex Kronemer, one of the producers of PBS's Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet, participants engage in a lively and honest conversation about fitting in, prayer, misunderstandings, dress, fun, drinking, dating, and parents. The video is intended for use in classrooms, youth groups, and other settings specializing in cultural education. American Muslim Teens Talk is available for broadcast and educational use. If interested, please contact us at 1-800-727-2470. Check out the promo on YouTube.

Download Youth Activities based on on the film:
Learning about stereotypes: How they form and how to fight them [ doc]
Sharing our Roots [ doc]
Muslim Immigrants in America [ doc]

Issue #9 - Nov. 2008

“Imagine a world where people from different religious backgrounds come together to create understanding and respect by serving their communities and world. THIS IS THE WORLD WE ARE BUILDING"

Interfaith Youth Core

Links to this issue


Interfaith Youth Opportunities

Church Teaching on Global Mission

Global Mission Links

News from the Missions Worldwide
Focus on Mission for Young Adults
Mass Readings and Missionary Prayers
Mission Intentions of the Holy Father
Martyrs of the Xaverian Missionaries
St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Lisieux
Justice, peace and integrity of creation e-newsletter

Provoke Radio

Provoke believes the desire for social justice has long been a central theme, not only of our own Roman Catholic tradition, but of all the world religions. Provoke starts with that desire and engages you from the vantage of your own faith. As we explore issues of social justice and ethics, we do so within the context of inter-religious dialogue, and in the process, discover a rich treasure of common values. 

Links for Mission Opportunities

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Fr. Carl Chudy, SX
St. Francis Xavier Missionaries
12 Helene Court
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
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