Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2010: Oct.-Dec.
Peace on Earth and the Freedom of Religion
. Peace on Earth and the Freedom of Religion
World Day of Peace is traditionally
celebrated on January 1 of each year, the Feast of the Mary, Mother of God. For
this upcoming year, the Holy See has set the theme: Religious Freedom, the Path
to Peace.
For us, peace in the world today, something we sing much about in Christmas
carols, with all its own complexities, is not possible without the freedom to
practice one’s faith, no matter what that faith may be.
We also live in a world today where the freedom to practice one’s faith, taken
for granted by many nations, and perhaps even ours, is curtailed or severely
restricted in others. The persecution of other faiths is one of the hallmarks of
a lack of human rights today and a challenge for the whole Church, particularly
in the USA that lauds a central part of our national character as a welcome
space for all faiths.
In the centerfold of this issue of the Xaverian Mission Newsletter, we showcase
He Qi, a marvelous Chinese Christian artist whose talent shared with the world
today evolved out of the severity of the communist regime years ago. Plus, the
ministry of the Xaverians in Taiwan and Burundi, Fr. Adolph in campus ministry,
the Berceto Banquet fundraising event at Astoria, NY.
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