Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2010: Apr.-June
Catholics and America's Religious & Cultural Diversity
. Catholics and America's Religious & Cultural Diversity
Cultural and religious diversity is
part of a long tradition in the US, yet today it is often perceived as a threat
to the cohesion of increasingly diversified societies like ours. As a Church, we
hold that cultural and religious diversity can constitute a positive
contribution to humanity, and is indeed God‘s vision.
As missionaries across faith and cultural borders, we understand the gift our
religious and cultural diversity is, not only to our own country, but to all the
world. What if we decided that part of our goal for the 21st century as the
American Catholic Church was to create a model of religious and cultural
pluralism, and to humbly offer that model to the world?
Religious and cultural pluralism goes beyond mere tolerance for diversity and
requires that we build positive relationships and work with one an-other. It is
a state where we respect each other‘s religious identity and work together to
make this world a better place.
In this number of the Xaverian Mission Newsletter, we look at why this is such a
crucial issue in the way we attempt to live out our passion for Christ and for
humanity. Also, articles on Fr. Lucky Peterlini, an experience of mission from a
young man in Sierra Leone, from Colombia, and spirituality inspired by the Pope
Benedict's Charity in Truth.
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