Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2009: July-Sept.
The Hopeful Journey of the African Catholic Church
. The Hopeful Journey of the African Catholic Church
“How should the Gospel be
proclaimed in Africa marked by hatred, wars and injustices?” The question is an
invitation to the Church to start afresh from Christ.
The Holy Father called a special gathering of the African Bishops this October
2009, its second since the monumental pastoral letter of John Paul II, The
Church in Africa. It calls us all, especially as Americans in solidarity with
Africa, with a special opportunity to not only learn about our brothers and
sisters of the African Church, but to act together with them in order to build a
new world in Christ.
In this issue of XMN, we hope the stories from some of our missionary
experiences in Africa and the hope they portray encourage you to learn more
about what we do in Africa and the many opportunities we all have to put our
faith into action in extraordinary ways. Borrowing from our Bishops we can say,
“a parish reaching beyond its own members and beyond national boundaries is
truly a ‘catholic’ parish.”
The Xaverian Missionaries are deeply committed to the peoples of Africa in
Cameroon, Chad, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and our
newest mission in Mozambique on its eastern shores. Join us as global disciples
of Jesus Christ!
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