Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2009: Jan.-Mar.

Globalization and a New Generation of Missionaries

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2009 - Jan-Mar
Globalization and a New Generation of Missionaries
Globalization and a New Generation of Missionaries

As part of his message for World Day of Peace, entitled "Fighting Poverty to Build Peace," Pope Benedict XVI shared these words: "Poverty is often a contributory factor or a compounding element in conflicts, including armed ones. In turn, these conflicts fuel further tragic situations of poverty…. In this context, fighting poverty requires attentive consideration of the complex phenomenon of globalization.”

Our missionary commitment as Catholics counts these words as guide posts in the challenges of world mission today. Our Founder, Blessed Guido Maria Conforti, many years ago shared this vision “to make the world one family” as a guiding principle in the new challenges we face as missionaries today.

Fr. Ramos from Brazil, and Frs. Garduno and Casillas, from Mexico, share some of their first struggles and hopes as they begin their missionary work. Fr. Rocco Puopolo also graces our pages again in his ongoing work through the Africa Faith and Justice Network based in Washington DC. They are trying to see how healing and reconciliation can occur after the pain and grief of horrific wars, and the outrageous violence they wreaked. The presence of Frs. Victor Mosele and Adolph Menendez in College Campuses brings a different perspective in mission service.




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Xaverian Mission Newsletter - Make of the World One Family

Xaverian Missionaries USA

“Make of the World One Family”