Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2009: Apr.-June

Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

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2009 - Apr-June
Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia
Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

Forty years of internal conflict fueled by an array of armed groups has created a population of refugees in Colombia second only to Sudan's. The country is enduring one of the worst humanitarian crises in the hemisphere today.

Learn more about the Colombian and international Church’s efforts and background on the conflicts in Colombia by reflecting on the days of Prayer and Action for Colombia. This act of missionary faith continues beyond these days in many countries. Come to know more about the mission work of the Xaverian Missionaries through the experiences of Enzo Tonini and other missionaries who have been working in Colombia since 1975.

Also, in this issue, some hot mission topics, such as Interfaith Dialogue and Service among young people in the USA, and the Catholic response to the end Human Trafficking, described so many times as a “modern day slavery.” Fr. Francis Signorelli, director of the Fatima Shrine in Holliston, Massachusetts, celebrates 50 years as priest and missionary… a great blessing to the Xaverian Family by our generous Lord.




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