Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2008: July-Sept.

“The one who has hope lives differently...”

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2008 - July-Sept
The one who has hope lives differently
“The one who has hope lives differently...”

“The one who has hope lives differently: the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life.” “To come to know God — the true God — means to receive hope,” wrote the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI in his first encyclical, On Christian Hope.

In the midst of what we often hear going on in the world, signs of hope are teeming, often surprising us in the most extraordinary ways. 

In this late summer issue of the Xaverian Mission Newsletter, we wish to share with you some vignettes of this inexhaustible hope portrayed in the experiences of missionaries and lay people in Colombia, Africa, Brazil, and the United States. They do what we do; carve a path in the mire and obstacles of life. The secret of that hope lies in the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and trust in what that power is capable of through our faith.

In this issue, we see this hope arise in the crises and faith-filled aspirations of people like Fr. Pierfrancesco Agostinis, Fr. Pietro Rinaldi, Fr. Giovanni Villa, Yarlín Consuelo Mosquera, Fr. Rocco Puopolo, Fr. Willy Mukucha and his brother’s family, and Sister Dorothy Stang.

May these pages strengthen that hope alive you, despite the bad news that can overwhelm us like an overflowing inundation. May this hope give you courage to ground all that you are in “the God who has a human face and who has loved us to the end, each one of us and humanity in its entirety.”




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