Xaverian Mission Newsletter - 2008: Apr.-June

Being Catholic in a World of Many Faiths

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2008 - Apr-June
Being Catholic in a World of Many Faiths
Being Catholic in a World of Many Faiths

Diverse peoples of different faiths coming together to share common faith values, and a commitment to create a more just world is both the theme of this issue of the Xaverian Mission Newsletter, and an important commitment of the mission of the Catholic Church.

It is a core hope which defines our identity as Xaverian Missionaries, called to those who do not believe as we do. We proclaim the Cross of Christ in a time when worldwide religious plurality is at its zenith, and intolerance to religious pluralism is at its deadliest levels.

The late Pope John Paul II reminds us that "every authentic prayer is called forth by the Holy Spirit, who is mysteriously present in the heart of every person, Christian or otherwise."

Read articles on Christian-Buddhist Dialogue in Taiwan, the service of the Shinmeizan Prayer and Dialogue Center in Japan, how US Chinese Catholics seek dialogue beyond Christianity at St. Therese, Chinatown, Chicago, the work of Xaverians accompanying Filipino Farmers in their Struggle for Justice, and other news that touch the Xaverian World.




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