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Xaverian Calendar March 2011 Xaverian Calendar March 2011


"Let us lift to God a hymn of praise and thanksgiving, for He is glorified in his Saints who are the most beautiful reflection of his divine perfections." [Blessed Conforti on Sept. 9, 1927]
1893 - Blessed Conforti buys the house on Borgo Leon d'Oro, the first seminary house of the Xaverian Missionaries
1898 - Historic visit of Fr. Francis Fogolla, Franciscan Missionary from China, at the Xaverian Seminary in Parma. The dream of sending missionaries to China comes true.
1924 - Blessed Conforti writes a Pastoral Letter on the Greatness of the Priesthood.
See March Mission and Church Intentions of the Pope
1961 - Peace Corps established


"The ascetic life strengthens and makes perfect the love of God, and therefore the charity towards one’s neighbor. The love of God and of neighbor is like two rivers who depend on the same source: God." [Blessed Conforti on Sept. 27, 1927]
1998 - First Xaverians arrive in Mozambique
See March Mission and Church Intentions of the Pope


St. Katharine Drexel, foundress of the Missionary Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
"Holiness consists in the works of nature and of grace; the practice of justice demands respect of rights and the accomplishment of all duties." [Blessed Conforti on Aug. 22, 1929]
1923 - Blessed Conforti writes a letter on 'Faith' at the end of his pastoral visit in Parma


St. Casimir, brother and defender of the poor
First Friday
First Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"Holiness consists in abiding in God through charity, from which we receive the strength and inspiration to accomplish remarkable works for the glory of God and the benefit of neighbor."
[Blessed Conforti on Aug. 22, 1929]
1899 - Solemn Mission Departure Ceremony for Fr. Caio Rastelli and Odoardo Mainini, departing for China
1961 - First Xaverians arrive in Abaetetuba, Northern Brazil


Second Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"Most of all, holiness consists in the perfect uniformity to the Divine Prototype of the predestined."
[Blessed Conforti on Aug. 22, 1929]
1961 - Xaverians begin their pastoral and mission activities in Southern Brazil


Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Third Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"The Saint is the faithful copy of Christ; in the same words used by the Apostle of the Peoples we can say: The Saint is the one who makes up in his own body all that still has to be undergone by Christ for the sake of his body... Jesus Christ is the greatest and most noble being in all our human history."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930 - Antol. 354]
1909 - Blessed Conforti publishes 'Echo', the newsletter of the chancery of Parma


Sts. Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs
Fourth Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"Christ is the incomparable human being of all perfections because of his divine nature. In Him everything is holy: thoughts, affections, conduct, words and works."
[Blessed Conforti on Aug. 22, 1929]
1898 - The Bishops of Emilia Romagna write a letter to the faithful on the purpose of the Xaverian congregation of Parma
1924 - Blessed Conforti presents to the Bishops of Italy the rules of the Diocesan Council on the Missionary Union of the Clergy and its parish committees
Orthodox Lent Begins


St. John of God, Patron of hospitals and the sick
Fifth Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"Friends, nothing can equal the excellence of the glory of Holiness. It is the essential character, the perfection par excellence of God, in whom there can be any shadow of evil or error."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1895 - Rinaldo Conforti, the father of Blessed Conforti, dies
1925 - Blessed Conforti writes a letter to the Youth of the Parma diocese, inviting them to consider missionary life
1950 - The Xaverians of Japan begin their activities in Miyazaki
1908 - First observance of the International Women's Day


ASH WEDNESDAY - Lent begins with this day of universal fast and abstinence
St. Frances of Rome, wife, mother, religious foundress
Sixth Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"The passing of a Saint is one of the greatest benefits which the Lord could possible give to a city, to a country; following the example of Christ, the Saints touch people with their blessings."
[Blessed Conforti in 1930]
1894 - Blessed Conforti writes the first letter to Card. Ledokowski of the Propagation of the Faith about his intention to found a Missionary Congregation


Seventh Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"The saints are the most eloquent apologia of our faith; the tree is known by its fruits and divine is the faith that produces divine and, therefore, supernatural people."
[Blessed Conforti on Sept. 7, 1930 - Antol. 686]
1929 - Blessed Conforti presides at the Departure Ceremony and gives the Missionary Crucifix to Frs. E. Frattin and A. Galvan, missionaries to China
1987 - UN Human Rights Commission recognizes conscientious objection to military service as a human right.


Eighth Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
"The saints pass by like a resplendent star, surrounding everything with its light and warmth."
[Blessed Conforti in 1930]
1928 - Blessed Conforti presides at the Departure Ceremony and gives the Missionary Crucifix to Frs. I. Ambrico and G. Fusato, missionaries to China
1991 - Beginning of the presence of the Xaverians in Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Final Day of the Novena of Grace to St. Francis Xavier
1622 - Proclamation of the Sainthood of Francis Xavier
"Holiness consists in the generous resolution to put into practice all virtues in perfect manner, sacrificing the sad instincts of our human and corrupt nature."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]


First Sunday of Lent
"Holiness consists in our union with God, and fuse our love in Him, so that we can attain the heroic courage for the most sublime ascents, for the most generous works towards God and the good of our brothers and sisters."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1927 - Blessed Conforti presides in the Cathedral of Parma at the Mission Sending Ceremony of departing China missionaries Frs. P. Garbero, J. Tonetto, A. Morazzoni, J. Morandi, R. Turci and I. Ambrico
USA - Daylight-saving time begins: Turn clocks one hour ahead


"The perfect status of a Saint is a reflection of the spirit of Jesus Christ poured in this holy person." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1540 - St. Francis Xavier is sent to the Missions


"The Saint makes manifest in the outside the interior hidden life of Christ." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]


"The Saint gives himself to everyone, but does not become weak. He excels over everyone, but he’s not proud. He’s a teacher, and at the same time, a loving father." [Blessed Conforti on Feb. 1, 1910]


St. Patrick, Bishop and Patron of Ireland
"The Apostle St. Paul exhorts Timothy to take care of his sanctification, for he wants him to think about this before anything else: attend to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in both tasks, for by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you." (1Tim. 4:16) [Blessed Conforti on Oct. 2, 1914]
1996 - Pope John Paul II, at a Solemn Celebration in St. Peter's Basilica, proclaims the virtues of Blessed Guido M. Conforti and Blessed Daniel Comboni


St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and liturgist
"A Saint shows majesty, but the children run to him with confidence, and he embraces them, blesses them, holds them." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1904 - Arrival in Nan Yang Fu, China of the second group of Xaverians


St. Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron of the Universal Church
"Who is that person, after Mary his mother, that became familiar with Jesus except Joseph? Who is the one who held him close to his heart with affection? Who, if not Joseph, could call him Son?" [Blessed Conforti on March 18, 1921]


Second Sunday of Lent
"Ever serene, a Saint does not exceed in joy, and is not overcome by sadness."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
First Day of Spring
UN - International Earth Day
Jewish observance: Purim


"The Saint lives with the Apostles who honor him as a child of God, and become familiar with him as a human being." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1966 - First observance of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


"The moral perfection of Christ… is both old and new: it responds to every culture, it is valid for all conditions; it is binding for youth and elders, for rich and poor, for great and humble, for learned and ignorant, for priests and laity alike." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1978 - Fr. James Spagnolo dies in Parma: together with Mother Celestine Bottego, co-founder of the Xaverian sisters


St. Toribio de Mongrovejo, bishop of Lima, Peru
"If anyone in the world aspires to perfect holiness, he ought to study the only great and inexhaustible model of perfection, Jesus Christ." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]


"Christian perfection consists in doing the will of God... in all the circumstances of life, whether joyful or sad. I will approach perfection with perfect submission of mind and heart, without complaints or hesitation." [Blessed Conforti on Dec. 11, 1917]
Day of Prayer and Fasting for Mission Martyrs
1980 - Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero assassinated in El Salvador


Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord
"No creature is more worthy of our veneration, because nothing is more pleasing to the heart of God, who wants his Most Holy Mother to be honored because in this devotion we shall find an inexhaustible source of blessings and graces!"
[Blessed Conforti on Feb. 15, 1931 - Antol. 443]
1537 - St. Francis Xavier arrives in Rome
1926 - Blessed Conforti gives the Crucifix to departing China missionaries Frs. A. Chiarel, A. Emaldi, A. Munaretti and V. Capra


"The Saints were a faithful copy of Christ; they thought, loved and worked as he thought, loved and worked." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930 - Antol. 675]
1971 - Bangladesh Feast of Independence


Third Sunday of Lent
"Whenever Holy Scripture talks about holiness and perfection, it also mentions about struggles and fights."
[Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1896 - Conforti is officially proclaimed doctor of the Theology College of Parma
1904 - Blessed Conforti writes a Pastoral Letter for the diocese of Ravenna on 'First Communion'


"Scripture points to the Heavens as a blessed Kingdom, which we have to conquer through struggle within ourselves." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1960 - Official opening of the Canonical Process for the beatification of the Servant of God Guido M. Conforti


"The Saints were great fighters: they defeated and repressed whatever is ignoble, based and erroneous in us." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930]
1913 - Blessed Conforti writes a Pastoral Letter on the 'Extraordinary Jubilee'


"With a tenacious will and intense efforts, which meet with the admiration of anyone who considers them for a moment, the saints worked to form Jesus Christ in themselves, just as the sculptor uses the hammer and the scalpel to carve his masterpiece from the raw and shapeless marble." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930 - Antol. 579]
1865 - The Birth of Guido Conforti, at 6:00am, in Casalora of Ravadese. On the same day, he receives the Baptism in the Parish


"In order to achieve this likeness with Christ, they had to use great violence against themselves, they had to overcome many difficulties and endure much pain and sorrow in the journey of life." [Blessed Conforti on Nov. 23, 1930 - Antol. 579]