From Xaverian NewsDec. 13, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI authorized the promulgation of various
Decrees, the first of which recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession
of Blessed Guido Maria Conforti, founder of the Xaverian Missionaries.
“The next
step”, writes Fr Rino Benzoni, Superior General of the Xaverian Missionaries,
“will the public Consistory in which the Pope will ask the Cardinals' opinions
about the canonization of the Blessed, also confirming the date. We thank God
for this. “For us there was never any doubt as to the holiness and the
opportunities for the institution to which we gave this name, as well as the
greatness of our Father and Founder Bishop Guido M. Conforti. We have been
preparing up until now for the big event with prayer but also with a renewed
commitment to our own holiness in increased faith to the mission that the Lord
has sent to us through Bishop Conforti.”
Guido Maria Conforti was born near Parma on 30 March, 1865. He entered the
seminary at 11 years. A serious disease placed his ordination in doubt and
precluded him from a missionary vocation. Supported by the rector, Fr Andrea
Ferrari (later Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, who was beatified in 1987),
Conforti was ordained a priest in 1888. Not yet 30 years old he was appointed
vicar general.
In 1895, encouraged by his Bishop and the by the Prefect of
Propaganda Fide, he founded the Congregation of St Francis Xavier for Foreign
Missions (Xaverian Missionaries). In 1899, the first two missionaries were sent
to China. In 1902, at 37 years of age, Conforti, is created Archbishop of
Ravenna. He resigned his post for serious health problems in 1904. In 1907 Pope
Pius X appointed him Bishop of Parma, leading the diocese for 24 years.
At the same time he undertook great activity to support the growing missionary
spirit of the Italian Church. In 1916, he worked with Fr Manna towards the
foundation of the Pontifical Missionary Union of the Clergy of which he became
the first president. He sent several missionaries to China, where he himself
went to visit in 1928. He died on 5 November, 1931 in Parma. He was beatified in
Rome on 17 March 1996.
The Xaverian Missionaries, created with the sole purpose of proclaiming the
Gospel to those who do not know it, currently number 832 (of which 652 are
priests) present in 173 communities.