Imitating Saint Paul, on a mission of evangelization in every area

From Fides ServiceFeb. 2, 2009

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Pastoral Letter from the Regional Bishops' Conference of Taiwan for the 150th anniversary of evangelization: imitating Saint Paul, on a mission of evangelization in every area
Imitating Saint Paul, on a mission of evangelization in every area of Taiwan

Authentic improvement in Christian formation, creative evangelization, a thorough work in neighborhoods, reaching out to the mainland, praying with devotion...these are the 5 main guidelines for the Jubilee Year of Evangelization, offered by the Bishops of Taiwan to Catholics on the island, in their Pastoral Letter.

In the Letter, dated January 11, 2009, Feast of the Lord's Baptism, and entitled: “Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Evangelization, imitating Saint Paul on a mission of evangelization in every area.” The Bishops analyze the present social and ecclesial situation in four chapters: 1. Pain and concern, joys and hopes of the people of Taiwan; 2. The Year of Saint Paul and the Jubilee Celebration of the Evangelization of the Church of Taiwan; 3. Guidelines for the Celebration of the Jubilee Year of Evangelization; 4. Conclusion.

In the first part, which analyzes the aspects of the present situation, the Bishops highlighted the importance of the “return to the Gospel of Christ, which is the only way for the world to reach its fullness according to God's plan.” The teachings of Saint Paul are the response par excellence to a world which is increasingly more multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, and globilized. Furthermore, “reconciling oneself with God, with Creation, with mankind, is the objective way to proceed.”

In the second part, in which they refer to the Year of Saint Paul and the jubilee for the evangelization of the Church in Taiwan, they also recall the great contribution of the missionaries, especially the Dominicans. Today, volunteers, the lay faithful, should take an active role in the Church's life, inspiring a greater openness of the community, which “is relatively closed.” The Bishops also mentioned 5 main guidelines for the Jubilee Year of Evangelization, which we mentioned above.

Lastly, the Pastors of Taiwan have asked all the faithful to link the mission of the Church with the traditional celebration of Chinese New Year. They encouraged the faithful to follow the example of Saint Paul - “cast into the deep with courage to fish” - and called on the intercession of Our Lady, Help of Christians, “model of all disciples and bright Star of Evangelization” (Ecclesia in Asia, 51), so that with her intercession and our effort “the fruits of evangelization will blossom in Taiwan.” As it was nearing the celebration of the Chinese New Year, in concluding their Letter, they wished “everyone a good year, full of the Lord's Grace.” (NZ)