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April/May 2008

Sponsored by the 
Xaverian Missionaries

No Borders - Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity

Issue #5 - April/May 2008 

Hope, Healing, Redemption, Refuge

Precious Grace by Makoto Fujimura

Makoto Fujimura is a highly-regarded New York visual artist and founder of International Arts Movement. IAM gathers artists and creative catalysts to wrestle with the deep questions of art, faith and humanity in order to inspire the creative community to engage the culture that is and create the world that ought to be.

Disciples of Christ act as a bridge between cultural divides, often giving society a language of healing and reconciliation. Like Saint Francis Xavier, we lead the way for reconciliation, humility and the recovery of hope, to invite the world to enter the "eye of the storm."
Check out the story of some of missionaries who attempt to do the same...
Here are more stories of Catholic youth making a difference...

Interfaith Solidarity and Pope Benedict XVI

Interfaith solidarity and Pope Benedict XVI

The Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI recently left the USA after a successful sojourn with us. In his meeting with Interreligious leaders, he shared: "I have noticed a growing interest among governments to sponsor programs intended to promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue. These are praiseworthy initiatives. At the same time, religious freedom, interreligious dialogue and faith-based education aim at something more than a consensus regarding ways to implement practical strategies for advancing peace. The broader purpose of dialogue is to discover the truth. What is the origin and destiny of mankind? What are good and evil? What awaits us at the end of our earthly existence? Only by addressing these deeper questions can we build a solid basis for the peace and security of the human family... More...


The Anniversary of the Genocide in Rwanda: Lessons for the World

The Anniversary of the Genocide in Rwanda: Lessons for the World

For 100 days, from April 6 through July of 1994, almost a million citizens of Rwanda, a smallcountry in central Africa, were brutally murdered in a genocide. Neither the United Nations nor any other countries came to the aid of the hunted Tutsi tribe members and the Hutu tribe members who tried to help them. During the yearly anniversary of these 100 days, many people of faith and of good will take time to remember this
genocide and to pray for its victims, those who died and those who survived to face the difficult task of rebuilding their lives. They also pray that the world community will work together to stop current and prevent future genocides. Remembering Rwanda: Africa in Conflict, Yesterday and Today


Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

Communities throughout Colombia are saying "NO" to the violent conflict, and "YES" to creating a lasting peace for all Colombians.
More than forty years of violent conflict has caused great suffering for millions of Colombians, especially poor and marginalized communities, but has also inspired amazing efforts in Colombia to create a new vision for peace. The Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia is an opportunity for Catholics in the United States to support our Colombian brothers and sisters in this vision.
Please join us and many other people of faith across the United States, Canada and Colombia in the ecumenical Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia on April 27-28.

The Xaverian Missionaries in Colombia...
Visit Catholic Relief Services for more education, prayer, and action resources...


Global Art and Culture

Global Art and Culture - Baaba Maal

Baaba Maal is one of the great musical stars of Africa, who has been able to bring Western and African music together in a seamless, natural blend. His powerful vocals and tirelessly exuberant stage performances have won him fans worldwide, and made his albums best sellers. This documentary captures all the color and grace of his Fulani culture, as Baaba returns to his hometown of Podor, Senegal, where, in his own words, and in the words of his friends and co-workers, the story of how he came to be a musician is revealed.

Visit his website
Listen to his music at Calabash 

Issue #5 - April/May 2008

Youth, when faith matters

When faith matters, how will you help shape the world?

Interfaith Youth Opportunities

Church Teaching on Global Mission

Global Mission Links

News from the Missions Worldwide
Focus on Mission for Young Adults
Mass Readings and Missionary Prayers
Mission Intentions of the Holy Father
Martyrs of the Xaverian Missionaries
St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Lisieux
Justice, peace and integrity of creation e-newsletter

Provoke Radio

Provoke believes the desire for social justice has long been a central theme, not only of our own Roman Catholic tradition, but of all the world religions. Provoke starts with that desire and engages you from the vantage of your own faith. As we explore issues of social justice and ethics, we do so within the context of inter-religious dialogue, and in the process, discover a rich treasure of common values. 

Become a Partner in Global Mission

Become a prayer partner in global mission. Receive email alerts with mission concerns to pray for and resources to use. Click.

Become a justice and peace partner in global mission. Email alerts will be sent concerning issues and tools to use to organize campaigns with others. Click.

Consider some type of short term mission experience, or become a lay missionary. We can assist you. Click.

Consider dedicating your life as a missionary priest, brother, or sister. Click.

Days of Prayer and Action for Colombia

Xavierian Missionary



For a free brochure explaining how we can be a global mission resource for you in youth, young adult and campus ministry 


Fr. Joe Matteucig, SX
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX
101 Summer Street
Holliston, MA 01746
Email us
Xaverian Missionaries Website


 Issue #4  | Issue #6