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Easter 2011

Sponsored by the Xaverian Missionaries

No Borders - Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity

Paschal Blessings and Easter Joy
to all our Friends and Family!

Happy Easter from the Xaverian Missionaries

The tomb is empty. The cross is vacant. He is risen!


The Paschal Mystery should not dissolve into a collage of cute pastels. Easter is an unprecedented Divine irruption. It is the triumph of hope, not only over despair, but over despair's more attractive twin, optimism. For if despair is a form of presumption, of knowing better than God how things will turn out, what then is the cheery certainty that things turn out for the best? He was dead, really dead. His is alive, really alive. Because of this, because of Him, we live in hope.

In this joyous season when we celebrate Christ's triumph over death, let us dedicate ourselves to overcoming injustice, poverty and hatred...all the things that entomb our world!


See Holy Week through the eyes of a Korean artist. Visit




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Blessed Easter - He is Risen


Fr. Carl Chudy, s.x. and the Xaverian Missionaries


Fr. Carl Chudy
Xaverian Missionaries


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