The current controversy over the proposed building of a new
community center and Mosque near Ground Zero provides a teachable
moment to look beneath the rhetoric and analyze a variety of
perspectives beneath the surface. This resource includes background
information, a step by step process, handouts, links and suggested
discussion questions. Explore the issues from the lens of Catholic
social teaching and the deeper values of respect for all God's
Request a lesson plan that can be adapted in youth groups and
The Vatican, through the Pontifical Commission for Interreligious
Dialogue recently sent a message to Muslims for Ramadan:
"'Id Al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, presents, once again, a
favorable occasion to convey to you the heartfelt wishes of serenity
and joy on behalf of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious
Dialogue. Throughout this month, you have committed yourselves to
prayer, fasting, helping the neediest and strengthening relations of
family and friendship. God will not fail to reward these efforts! I
am delighted to note that believers of other religions, especially
Christians, are spiritually close to you during these days..."
Read the whole message here
Statement of Bishop Galeone, Bishop of St. Augustine, Florida, On the threatened "Qur'an Burning" of September 11, 2010
The Holy Father recently published his message for World Mission
Sunday (October 24,2010). He says that Catholics, in every parish,
are to "make Jesus visible, to make the Redeemer's face shine in
every corner of the earth before the generations, especially before
the youth of every continent."
In this issue of the Xaverian Mission Newsletter we want to show you
how the "face of Christ" is being made visible, in our work from
Japan with photos of the Easter Celebration of Frs. Denny Wahyudi
and Renato Filippini, to the 33 years of Fr. Orru in Indonesia, and
from Africa (17 countries celebrate their independence in 2010) to
the United States with Fr. Victor Mosele reflecting on his 50 years
of missionary priesthood.
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United Nations Day has traditionally been celebrated with a
special concert held in the General Assembly Hall at UN Headquarters
in New York. While usually sponsored by one of the 192 Member States
of the United Nations, the 2009 UN Day Concert was instead organized
in partnership between the UN Department of Public Information and
our friends at the Culture Project as "A Tribute to Peacekeeping,"
focusing on the heroic work of UN peacekeepers in some of the most
troubled areas on earth, featuring appearances from a variety of
artists representing different regions of the world. In turn they
asked Link to help recruit an international all-star cast to take
the stage for "A Tribute To Peacekeeping."
Watch the video here at LinkTV
Blessed Guido Maria Conforti
Discover a Bishop whose heart and faith went well beyond the boundaries of his own Archdiocese. Click here to discover more.
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