Catholic Cultural DiversityMARCH 2010 When the Border Patrol changes shifts, you're going to run
The mission of the Church worldwide is a poignant reminder of the enormous, rich cultural diversity which is ours. In the USA, we will be seeing much more of this as the US Bishops continue to advocate for immigration reform. Through many dioceses, there are stepped up efforts.
God's Point with Cultural Diversity
The Church's focus on diversity is rooted in the inner life of God as we have come to know him in the Scriptures, as God has revealed himself to us. We are told that "God is love." Love is about reaching out to another. The inner-life of God is trinitarian - it consists of a mutual giving and receiving among the three divine persons. Human beings we are told are "made in God's image." So we are also about love and our godliness consists just like God's in reaching out to others in mutual giving and receiving. Now otherness is about difference not sameness. So when we close ourselves off from others, from those who are "different," we cease being like God. More...
Blessed Guido Maria Conforti Founder of the Xaverian MissionariesDiscover a Bishop whose heart and faith went well beyond the boundaries of his own Archdiocese. Click here to discover more. This World Report aims to become a reference tool for cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is the development of intercultural skills, the search for an antidote to expressions of cultural isolationism, the road towards new forms of governance, the lever of the effective exercise of universally recognized human rights and a means to reduce imbalances and
injustice. Church Teaching on Global Mission
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