Search for Peace in a Time of Terrorism & Counter-terrorism
In January 2008 we traditionally celebrate World Day of Peace. This year marks he 40th anniversary of the celebration of the first World Day of
Peace (1968-2008) and the 25th anniversary of the Holy See's adoption of the Charter of the Rights
of the Family (1983-2008). Words of peace ring loudly in the hearts of all North Americans, and indeed the entire world, in light of the terrible consequences of terrorism, and some inadequate ways counter-terrorism measures attempts to deal with it. Ingredients for Peace in our Times
The Holy Father in his message for World Day of Peace, The Human Family, A Community of Peace, some essential elements to peace in the world today for the long haul of peace-making:
FIELDS OF HOPE: Inter-religious dialogue and peace-building(A story of a Church in Pikit, Cotabato, Philippines presented during the International conference on Church Inter-religious Dialogue and Peace-building sponsored by the Catholic Relief Services and KROC Institute held in Davao City, Philippines on October 21-26, 2007)
Interreligious dialogue is not just the work of experts in Islam and Christianity. It is an “integral part of the evangelizing mission of the Church.” (Redeeming Mission, JPII) Hence, it must be the local church, our Basic Ecclesial Communities, that must be in the forefront of this dialogue work of the Church. Kemenge Youth Centre: Oasis of Peace in the Middle of War
Kamenge Youth Center (fr. Centre Jeunes Kamenge) is a youth center located in Bujumbura, Burundi where our religious missionary congregation has worked for many years now. Founded in 1991, the Italian immigrants Claudio Marano, Victor Ghirardi and Marino Bettinsoli had the idea of establishing a place where teenagers could meet in order to live peacefully together in surroundings in which war dominates and in which alcoholism, prostitution, unemployment and criminality appear as main problems. Kamenge Youth Center is not only a center where youngsters of the two tribes at enmity Hutu and Tutsi meet, but it is also an educational institution. People have the possibility attend courses, such as languages, mathematics, theater, natural sciences, physical education and others.
Global Art and Culture
Sierra Leone, West Africa's Refugee All Stars
Six men forced from their homes by violence in Sierra Leone have transformed their experience into amusical calling. The Refugee All Stars are now the subject of a feature-length documentary that follows their performances in refugee camps, and their eventual return to war-ravaged Freetown. The documentary just won the Grand Jury Prize at the AFI Festival in Los Angeles..
A People's Peace InitiativeA Catholic Collaboration to Articulate the Challenges of Peace in the 21st Century
The People’s Peace Initiative is a collaborative effort of national Catholic organizations to articulate the challenges for Catholic peacemaking in the 21st century. In 2003, as we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the U.S. bishops' peace pastoral, Pax Christi USA issued an invitation to national Catholic organizations and ministries to join in developing a grassroots process of reflection that would lead to the writing of a "people's peace letter." Central to the vision are Jesus’ Gospel values and the experiences and insights of marginalized people—especially communities of color, women and the impoverished in the U.S. and around the world. (For a complete list of participating organizations,
please click
When faith matters, how will you help shape the world? Church Teaching on Global Mission
Church Teaching on Peace On the Iraqi War
Other Peace Resources
Interfaith youth opportunities
Interfaith Youth Core
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St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Lisieux Check out the latest from National Conferences held recently of the
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Catholic Campaign Again Global Poverty: Trade, Aid and Debt in US Policy
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Fr. Joe Matteucig, SX
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