Catholics Confront Global PovertyMAY 2009 Sharing Life with the Poor of the Amazons
Another Xaverian Missionary, Fr. Jim Clark shares: "For the last four years my home has been a forty-foot wooden boat, traveling along the many rivers, which make up the Amazon estuary, as the only priest in a Parish of 72 islands, 60 Basic Christian Communities, 500 square miles and 40,000 inhabitants.I have witnessed hope against hope. I have sat with the children as the local catechist explain that Jesus came to bring life in abundance. I have danced with the young people as they celebrate life and walked with them in their marches to promote a life more dignified. I have participated with the mothers in their meetings to improve the health care for their children. I have shared the hope of the fishermen and small farmers in demanding their rights and guaranteeing their voices be heard. I have sat in their homes and shared their anxieties and indulged in their dreams. I have been part of formation courses where the thirst to learn has been palpable. I have celebrated the sacraments with a people who want to increase their faith and who believe that Jesus is, indeed, the Way, the Truth and the Life." More...
The Eucharist Urges Us to Change the World
"I sincerely hope the Year of the Eucharist will inspire every Christian community to respond with "fraternal solicitude to some of the many forms of poverty present in our world," because "by our mutual love and, in particular, by our concern for those in need we will be recognized as true followers of Christ. This will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged."
Issue #14 - May 2009In this issue
Catholics Confront Global Poverty Church Teaching on Global Mission
Global Mission Links
News from the Missions Worldwide
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