No Borders
Following Christ in a Consumer Culture
What is the Economic Crisis Teaching Us?
We should be asking, "How will this crisis change us?" How will it change the way we think, act, and decide things, how we live in Christ's name? This is not just a economic crisis but a spiritual and moral crisis, and one that calls for a
new self-regulation. We seem to have lost some things and forgotten some things -- such as our values...
Lent for Teens: Ways to Live
Self regulation is a way to talk about re-invigorating our life in Christ. Here are some
great ideas for teens during Lent, a special time to return to the Lord in a new way!
Idea number
one, Idea number
two, Idea number
three, Idea number four
Download this free leader's guide: Ways to live: Christian Practices for Teens.
Check out this great book: Still Following Christ in a Consumer Culture by Fr. John
Food Fast
Food Fast is Catholic Relief Services' hunger awareness program for Catholic youth in the United States. Focusing on global poverty and justice, Food Fast provides an experience of solidarity with our brothers and sisters overseas, living our faith, and joining together in community to create lasting change in the world. Anchored in the Catholic call to justice and solidarity, Food Fast is an educational program for youth in grades 8 to 12.
Letter from Fr. Mauro Loda in Colombia
Fr. Mauro of the Xaverian Missionaries (holding guitar) shares: The Bishop of Bogotá has put in charge the Xaverians with the responsibility of missionary education in his diocese. We, therefore, take this charge that allows us to speak to the priests and the Christian communities of the universal mission of the church, and of the situation in which peoples in Asia and Africa live. One of the dangers of this Church in Colombia is to be "closed on itself." Its reasoning is clear indeed: "We have so many problems over here, why should we think of the struggles of others?" Yet, one more small step after another, we try to sensitize the Christian communities to start breathing some "universal air."
More on Focus on Mission #59
Issue #12 - Feb. 2009
In this issue
Interfaith Youth Links
Church Teaching on Global Mission
Global Mission Links
News from the Missions Worldwide
Focus on Mission for Young Adults
Mass Readings and Missionary Prayers
Mission Intentions of the Holy Father
Martyrs of the Xaverian Missionaries St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Lisieux
Justice, peace and integrity of creation e-newsletter
Provoke believes the desire for social justice has long been a central theme, not only of our own Roman Catholic tradition, but of all the world religions. Provoke starts with that desire and engages you from the vantage of your own faith. As we explore issues of social justice and ethics, we do so within the context of inter-religious dialogue, and in the process, discover a rich treasure of common values.
Links for Mission Opportunities
Short Term and Volunteer Mission Opportunities Lay Mission Opportunities Opportunities to religious missionary life as a priest, brother, or sister.
Consider dedicating your life as a missionary priest, brother, or
sister. Click.
For a free brochure explaining how we can be a global mission resource for you in youth, young adult and campus ministry
Fr. Carl Chudy, SX
St. Francis Xavier Missionaries
12 Helene Court
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
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