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Pascal and Denny, busy in ministries as volunteers during the Summer

Volunteering provides Personal Discernment, and World Youth Day Cologne, Germany::  Volunteering & Discernment ::


by Pascal Atumissi


Reflection taken from "The Whispering Wind", of Sat. July 2, 2005, the Blogger of Pascal.  Xaverian Pascal is in the Bronx in NYC, at a 6-week summer camp of the Missionaries of Charity, together with Wawan and François. Though the article is directed to his blog readers, the questions might raise our personal response.

ello everyone. I am away from Chicago. I am in NY, in the Bronx, helping out at a children summer camp. This summer camp is organized by the sisters Missionaries of Charity of mother Teresa of Calcutta, for children of ages 5 thru 14 from the large Latino neighborhood surrounding Saint Rita's Catholic church. It lasts until August 11th. The sisters have called on many volunteers from the US, France and Spain. Most of us are young adults in our twenties, though the majority is of college age. Though the activities start next Tuesday, last Friday’s opening retreat set the tone and the agenda of this ministry: “being an instrument of God's love” according to Corinthians 13. This is really a great opportunity, a moment of grace. More than a time for fun and relaxation, it is an occasion for evangelization since some of these kids are not Christians and live in an area where human and Christian values are not observed. They are constantly at risk of falling into drugs, violence, etc. Also, the summer camp is an opportunity for pastoral care for the kids who come from broken or inexistent families. Thus, as volunteers, we will have to give account of our being catholic and lead them to discover human and Christian values that they can live by. This will be done through catechesis, carpentry, and daily example. 

Human beings need two things: something to believe in and something to belong to. To be successful, a parish [or a community, a marriage, a friendship, a team, a nation, any human organization] must be a place where both needs are met.
Timothy E. O’Connell
"Making Disciples"

Also, this summer camp is a way for the volunteers to live up their Christian missionary vocation. Many of us are living the experience of Abraham. Leaving everything behind, we are proclaiming God's promise realized in Jesus: the land of the living is ours if we become disciples and apprentices of Jesus. Abraham was in search of a land and an offspring, symbolizing shalom and eternity that he eventually found in God alone. Likewise, many of the volunteers, as young adults, are searching for their destiny, their orientation, the sense and the meaning of their lives. Many of them are here to discern God's voice: “God, what do you see in me?… Who am I?… What are the deepest desires of my heart?” And only God can help find an answer to such questions. 

As you can see, volunteerism is a way of doing a personal discernment, and of being valuable to society and to the church. A Christian volunteer participates in the evangelizing mission of the church. What about you? What do you plan to do this summer for the church, society, and family...? What do you thirst for? What are the desires of your heart? Maybe it is time to stop being blown by the surrounding culture and its individualistic calls, and turn toward higher values. The world needs new Abraham, new visionaries driven by the deepest and most sacred and pure desires of the heart and following God's promise of eternal shalom. 

Reflection from "The Whispering Wind", Sat. July 2, 2005


Day of Social Service - Become Builders


"The aspiration that humanity nurtures, amid countless injustices and sufferings, is the hope of a new civilization marked by freedom and peace. But for such an undertaking, a new generation of builders is needed. Moved not by fear or violence but by the urgency of genuine love, they must learn to build, brick by brick, the city of God within the city of man. – Allow me, dear young people, to consign this hope of mine to you: you must be those "builders"! You are the men and women of tomorrow. The future is in your hearts and in your hands. God is entrusting to you the task, at once difficult and uplifting, of working with him in the building of the civilization of love."

Pope John Paul II
Vigil of World Youth Day in Toronto, July 27, 2002

On August 12, 2005, during the Days of Encounter in the German dioceses, the organizers want everyone to commit themselves to the initiative called Day of Social Service. On that day "we want to stand up for others, guests and hosts together, and accumulate about one million hours of social work in only one day. 
This initiative has as its motto 'underconstruction – help building a world in justice.'  

Here are some of the activities suggested: Can you join them?

Organize Excursions

Excursions with people with disabilities, including a picnic 

City tours with elderly people 

Riding a tandem with blind or visually impaired people 

Repairing bikes for fundraising purposes

Arranging leisure programs for and with others

Doing handicrafts with senior citizens 

Going for a walk with senior citizens or reading to them 

Singing, playing or baking with inhabitants of a residence for the disabled 

Building a hut and baking bread with children 

Organizing a soccer tournament with young asylum seekers


Gardening for welfare institutions 

Gardening with children in a day-nursery


Brightening up common rooms in parishes 

Manufacturing wooden toys together with children

Playing music

Playing music to ill residents in a home for Senior Citizens, going from room to room and singing songs


Tending a meadow 

Creating a trout hatchery


Putting on sketches or short pieces about peace and justice 

Playing improvisations


World Youth Day 2005



The 20th World Youth Day 2005 is a pilgrimage of faith and a colorful event in every respect. People between 16 and 30 are invited. They will pour into Germany from more than 120 countries. The Pope and about 400,000 registered participants are expected. Their number will almost double by the end of the event. They will be accompanied by approximately 600 bishops and cardinals as well as by 4,000 international journalists. For ten days the eyes of the world will be on Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia and the Cologne region.



The vigil and the closing ceremony of the WYD 2005 will be celebrated at Marienfeld on the 20th and 21st of August. The sight lies about 10 miles away from Cologne in the Rhein-Erft district. The Marienfeld will accommodate the 800 000 expected visitors from near and far. 
The installation of cameras has provided an opportunity to follow the event preparations.



Prayer in Preparation for World Youth Day

Lord Jesus Christ, 
Savior of the World, You became man, 
to give us a life in abundance. 
You promised to remain with us in Your Church 
until the end of time. 
Then Your Kingdom will come: a new heaven and earth
full of love, justice and peace. 
This is our hope, our foundation. 
Thanks be to You. 
Lord, we pray: 
Bless the young people around the world. 
Reveal Yourself to those who are searching for You. 
Awake those who do not believe in You. 
Strengthen the faith of those who confess You. 
Let them continuously set out to You 
like the three Wise Men from the East. 
Make them architects of a new civilization of love 
and witnesses of hope for the whole world. 
Through them be close to those 
who suffer from hunger, war and violence. 
Inspire by Your Holy Spirit those 
who are contributing to the preparations of World Youth Day 2005. 
Make them serve Your kingdom 
with the power of their faith and their love 
and let them welcome their brothers and sisters 
from all over the world with open hearts. 
Lord, You gave us Mary as our mother. 
Let Her be our advocate for World Youth Day 
so that it becomes a celebration of faith. 
Bless Your Church with new strength these days, 
so that She can become a credible witness for You. 
We ask this through You, our Lord and God, 
living in the unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, 
reigning forever and ever. Amen. 

Published - August 2005