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Making a Commitment, a Missionary for All Seasons, 5 steps Guide to Discernment and You have to live in somebody else's country to understand, in July August 2004 issue of Focus on Mission


Making a Commitment - Focus on Mission::  Making a Commitment ::


Part One | Part Two

ou have to live in somebody else’s country to understand… 

What is it like to be an outsider?
What is it like to sit in the class where everyone has blond hair and you have black hair? What is it like when the teacher says, “Whoever wasn’t born here raise you hand.” And you are the only one. Then, when you raise your hand, everyone looks at you and makes fun of you.
You have to live in somebody else’s country to understand.

What is it like when the teacher treats you like you’ve been here all your life?
What is it like when the teacher speaks too fast and you are the only one who can’t understand what he or she is saying, and you try to tell him or her to slow down. Then when you do, everybody says, “If you don’t understand, go to a lower class or get lost.”
You have to live in somebody else’s country to understand.

What is it like when you are opposite?
When you wear clothes of your country and they think you are crazy to wear these clothes and you think they are pretty…
You have to live in somebody else’s country to understand.

What is it like when you are always a loser?

What is it like when somebody bothers you when you do nothing to them?
You tell them to stop but they tell you that they didn’t do anything to you. Then, when they keep doing it until you can’t stand it any longer, you go up to the teacher and tell him or her to tell them to stop bothering you. 
They say that they didn’t do anything to bother you. Then the teacher asks the person sitting next to you. He says, “Yes, she didn’t do anything to her” and you have no witness to turn to. So the teacher thinks you are a liar…
You have to live in somebody else’s country to understand.

What is it like when you try to talk and you don’t pronounce the words right?
They don’t understand you. They laugh at you but you don’t know that they are laughing at you, and you start to laugh with them. They say, “Are you crazy, laughing at yourself? Go get lost girl.”
You have to live in somebody else’s country without a language to understand.

What is it like when you walk in the street and...

... everybody turns around to look at you and you don’t know that they are looking at you. Then, when you find out, you want to hide your face but you don’t know where to hide because they are everywhere. 

… You have to live in somebody else’s country to feel it…

By Noy Chou from Cambodia, 9th Grader at Newton HS, NJ.



A Missionary for All Seasons


IT IS...

A particular way of following Christ


A lifetime commitment

Constantly changing

A touch choice

Getting your hands dirty

A process of learning


Struggling to live with others in community




All prayers all the time

Living in luxury

Doing your own thing

Funny costumes

"Sister Act"

An easy life



For everyone 



If you have answered "Yes" to more than 7 questions on the right panel, it sounds like you are the sort of person who is at a time of change in your life: What are you going to do?

Questions for You:



Are you a committed Christian?

Have you a dis-ease with your present life style?

Do you pray?

Do you feel drawn to serve others?

Are possessions low on your list of priorities?

Does God play an important part in your life?

Does making a commitment scare you?

Can you live with others?

Are you open to change?

Could God be calling you?




One Last Prayer

by Mother Teresa, 1910-1997

I worry some of you still have not really met Jesus one-to-one, you and Jesus alone. 

We may spend time in chapel, but have you seen with the eyes of your soul how He looks at you with love? 

Do you really know the living Jesus, not from books but from being with Him in your heart?

Have you heard the loving words He speaks to you? 

As for the grace: he is longing to give it. 

Until you can hear Jesus in the silence of your own heart, you will not be able to hear Him saying "I thirst" in the hearts of the poor. 

Never give up this daily intimate contact with Jesus as the real living person,… not just the idea.

How can we last even one day without hearing Jesus say "I love you"? Impossible.

Our soul needs that as much as the body needs to breathe the air.

If not, prayer is dead, meditation, only thinking. Jesus wants you each to hear Him speaking in the silence of your heart.

Be careful of all that can block that personal contact with he living Jesus. The devil may try to use the hurts of life, and sometimes our own mistakes, to make you feel it is impossible that Jesus really loves you, is really cleaving to you.

This is a danger for all of us. and so sad, because it is completely the opposite of what Jesus is really wanting,… waiting to tell you.  Not only that He loves you, but even more, He longs for you… He misses you when you don't come close. He thirsts for you. 

He loves you always, even when you don't feel worthy. when not accepted by others, even by yourself sometimes, He is the one who always accepts you. 

Only believe, you are precious to him. Bring all you are suffering to His feet, only open your heart to be loved by Him as you are… 

He will do the rest.


Published - July 2004