Current Issue - Young Adults Exploring a Mission Vocation


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Call to Service

Call to Service - Focus on Mission 14::  Call to Service ::




May 11th, 2003: 40th World Day
of Prayer for Church Vocations

From the Pope’s Message

… “Even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve" (Mt. 20:28)

In truth, Jesus is the perfect model of the "servant" of whom Scripture speaks. He is the one who radically emptied himself to take on "the form of a servant" (Phil 2:7) and to dedicate himself totally to the things of the Father (cf. Lk 2:49), as the beloved Son in whom the Father is well pleased (cf. Mt 17:5). Jesus did not come to be served, "but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20:28). He washed the feet of his disciples and obeyed the plan of the Father even unto death, death on a cross (cf. Phil 2:8). Therefore, the Father himself has exalted him, giving him a new name and making him Lord of heaven and of earth (cf. Phil 2:9-11).

Mary, humble servant of God Most High,
the Son to whom you gave birth has made you the servant of humanity.
Your life was a humble and generous service.
You were servant of the Word when the angel announced to you the divine plan of salvation.
You were servant of the Son, giving him life
and remaining open to his mystery.
You were servant of Redemption,
standing courageously at the foot of the Cross, close to the Suffering Servant and Lamb,
who was sacrificing himself for love of us.
You were servant of the Church on the day of Pentecost and with your intercession you continue to generate her in every believer,
even in these our difficult and troubled times.
Let the young people of the third millennium look
to you, young daughter of Israel, who have known the agitation of a young heart when faced with the plan of the Eternal God.
Make them able to accept the invitation of your Son to give their lives wholly for the glory of God.
Make them understand that to serve God satisfies the heart, and that only in the service of God and of his kingdom do we realize ourselves in accordance with the divine plan, and life becomes a hymn of glory to the Most Holy Trinity. Amen.
Pope John Paul II 
2003 World Day of Prayer for Vocations Message

How can one not read in the story of the "servant Jesus" the story of every vocation: the story that the Creator has planned for every human being, the story that inevitably passes through the call to serve and culminates in the discovery of the new name, designed by God for each individual? In these "names", people can grasp their own identity, directing themselves to that self-fulfillment which makes them free and happy. In particular, how can one not read in the parable of the Son, Servant and Lord, the vocational story of the person who is called by Jesus to follow him more closely: that is, to be a servant in the priestly ministry or in religious consecration? In fact, the priestly vocation or the religious vocations are always, by their very nature, vocations to the generous service of God and of neighbor.

Service thus becomes both the path and the valuable means for arriving at a better understanding of one's own vocation…


"Where I am, there shall my servant be also" (John 12:26)

Jesus, Servant and Lord, is also the one who calls. He calls us to be like him, because only in service do human beings discover their own dignity and the dignity of others. He calls to serve as he has served. When interpersonal relationships are inspired to reciprocal service, a new world is created and, in it, an authentic vocational culture is developed.

With this message, I should like, in a way, to give voice to Jesus, so as to propose to young people the ideal of service, and to help them to overcome the temptations of individualism and the illusion of obtaining their happiness in that way.

Notwithstanding certain contrary forces, present also in the mentality of today, in the hearts of many young people there is a natural disposition to open up to others, especially to the most needy. This makes them generous, capable of empathy, ready to forget themselves in order to put the other person ahead of their own interests.

Dear young people, service is a completely natural vocation, because human beings are by nature servants, not being masters of their own lives and being, in their turn, in need of the service of others.

Service shows that we are free from the intrusiveness of our ego. It shows that we have a responsibility to other people. And service is possible for everyone, through gestures that seem small, but which are, in reality, great if they are animated by a sincere love.

True servants are humble and know how to be "useless" (cf. Luke 17:10). They do not seek egoistic benefits, but expend themselves for others, experiencing in the gift of themselves the joy of working for free.

Dear young people, I hope you can know how to listen to the voice of God calling you to service.

This is the road that opens up to so many forms of ministry for the benefit of the community: from the ordained ministry to various other instituted and recognized ministries, such as Catechesis, liturgical animation, education of young people and the various expressions of charity (cf. Novo millennio ineunte, 46).

At the conclusion of the Great Jubilee, I reminded you that this is "the time for a new ‘creativity' in charity" (ibidem, 50). Young people, in a special way it is up to you to ensure that charity finds expression, in all its spiritual and apostolic richness.


"If any one would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all" (Mark 9:35)

This is how Jesus spoke to the Twelve, when he caught them discussing among themselves "who was the greatest" (Mk 9:34). This is a constant temptation, which does not spare even the one called to preside at the Eucharist, the sacrament of the supreme love of the "Suffering Servant".

Whoever carries out this service is actually called to be a servant in a yet more radical way. He is called, in fact, to act "in persona Christi", and so to re-live the same condition of Jesus at the Last Supper, being willing, like Jesus, to love until the end, even to the giving of his life. To preside at the Lord's Supper is, therefore, an urgent invitation to offer oneself in gift, so that the attitude of the Suffering Servant and Lord may continue and grow in the Church.

Dear young men and women, nurture your attraction to those values and radical choices which will transform your lives into service of others, in the footsteps of Jesus, the Lamb of God. Do not let yourselves be seduced by the call of power and personal ambition. The priestly ideal must be constantly purified from these and other dangerous ambiguities.

The call of the Lord Jesus still resounds today: "If any one serves me, he must follow me" (Jn 12:26).

Do not be afraid to accept this call.  

You will surely encounter difficulties and sacrifices, but you will be happy to serve, you will be witnesses of that joy that the world cannot give. You will be living flames of an infinite and eternal love. You will know the spiritual riches of the priesthood, divine gift and mystery.




Catholic Social Teaching vs. US Culture

- source: “Education for Justice”, Washington, DC - 


A tool to explore Cultural Values: Go through the VALUES listed below, and…:

Place a plus sign ( + ) next to the ones you believe correspond with “Catholic Social Teaching”;

Place an equal sign ( = ) next to the ones you believe are promoted in American culture.

(You may have two different signs with any one value)

THEN… go back and circle the three values you think are THE most important for living a meaningful life.

DISCUSS & SHARE with your group:

Where are there similarities?

Where are there differences?

What does this reveal to you about “values”— yours, others, and those of the Catholic faith?



Protecting individual freedom.

Pursuing one’s own goals.

Pursuing education.

Being productive.

Having responsibilities along with rights.

Promoting the common good.

Becoming successful.

Becoming financially well-off.

Treating workers as means to an end.

Taking care of your own family.

Taking care of our neighbors, at home and around the world.

Pursuing one’s own spirituality.

Working hard.

Working fairly.

Saving time.

Being tolerant.

Valuing all human beings.

Participating in the political life of your community, your country.

Participating in community life.

Working for peace.

Pursuing happiness.

Respecting all human rights.

Pursuing justice.

Giving to charity.

Caring for the Environment.

Working to change unjust systems and structures.

Working to make money.

Being responsible for oneself.

Being a responsible citizen and being committed to learning about policies that impact people.

Being responsible for others’ well being.

Being an individual.

Making decisions based on your own welfare.

Respecting the right to profit.

Treating workers fairly.

Pulling oneself up by “one’s own bootstraps”.

Making the most out of today and not worrying how our activities will impact others tomorrow.

Seeking fame and personal celebrity.

Letting others run the community, the country.


Seeking attention.

Listening to both sides of the story.

Obeying the law.

Being loyal to the family.

Changing the law when necessary.

Winning above all else.


Seeing the poor and vulnerable as having a special claim.


These 50 Day of Easter


by Gabe Huck

God of all who are frightened, in these days of Easter, in these fifty days to live as if you reigned, we cling not to some happy ending, but to knowing the difference between life and death.

Stay with us as we will seek your face in those who dwell where Sarah and Abraham began their journey, where Daniel found bittersweet exile, where crabby Jonah begrudged your love for Nineveh.

Do not, dear God, let us put this war aside to gird ourselves for the next. Veronica-like we would wipe away the blood our work and dollars bought, and Pilate-like would wash and wash again our hands.

But all the while, like the women of Jerusalem, make us learn paschal lamentation, lest our Alleluia be the easy Alleluia of the compliant, for we barely rocked the ship of state on its way to war.

Let our Alleluia groan with all we stand to gain from the losses of those you love.
God the all-merciful, whisper to us yet in prophet and in psalm that this is the Passover, that you and all the world are lovers, and like lovers can together bear the work of humble reparation.

We pray in Jesus’ name, who died and who lives for ever and ever. Amen.


Published - May 2003